on of a coordinate
butes and holds a
on. It can optionally
t in turn define 3D
elements defines the
ata in the coordinate
1stance, a single ref
be applied to points
them in an absolute
Xf coordinate system
elements is optional,
iented blocks or the
te systems during
f the model. More
re allowed to define
d from angles data
or with one of the
nition. The example
sibilities. These are
, with coordinates as
es as an array (coma
etric project can be
ow this model can be
he purpose of this
a schema to the
everage the ability of
especially useful for
different teams that
an http site where
opers can find the
ols to X validate
? proposed schema, a
idar defining steps to
te and a mailing list.
vendors should try to
any possibility that
hat is not covered by
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