ver 10 million. It is a
palaces, foundations,
is called “Old City of
uses on a Geographic
lata in digital form and
ating through the data
een them for different
endangered. Some of
ed by creeping urban
erefore, safe guarding
st and document it.
ncreasing number of
logy to be adopted for
igement and spatial
eritage requires a very
alue, history, condition
cess to all of the
te is the key to its
this enormous amount
each building/site, the
m" is essential.
S) are a relatively new
ce advantages with the
so that it allows the
e of information of a
. part of any user that
\ GIS include software
scedures elaborated to
ration, manipulation,
it of spatial referenced
anning, administration,
z problem.
provide a group of
iral tasks impossible to
ind economy by means
information about the
ed. Photogrammetric
products refer almost exclusively to the object space (maps,
surfaces (DEM’s), orthophotos, points, profiles).
Photogrammetry is an important contribution to many
disciplines. The most widespread use of the photogrammetric
technique being for the representation of the facades or
elevations of building and structures. There are many uses of
the technique, including 3D city models for building repair and
conservation. The 3D reconstruction of houses and other man-
made objects is currently undergoing active research, and is an
issue of high importance to many users of Geographic
Information System (GIS), including urban planners, architects,
telecommunication and environmental engineers for historical
development, topography, vegetation, land use pattern,
transportation network etc. (Toz, 1999)
The land of present-day Turkey, between Asia and Europe, has
been called the crossroads of history. It has always been the
scene of international exchange of culture, art and architecture.
Since early days, the traditions of the past, in the social and
cultural reflection of various Anatolian Civilizations can still be
seen in Turkey and in the remains of historical cities dating
from the Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic Ages to mosques,
palaces and historical houses of the Ottoman Period. (Giilersoy,
Zeyrek is situated at the slopes of the fourth hill in the Historic
Peninsula in Istanbul. The district starts at the shores of the
Golden Horn-Halic, and extends up the slopes along the Atatürk
Boulevard. Retaining walls reaching up to 15 meters are to be
found at some spots along the Atatürk Boulevard, as well as
dykes and terraces dating from the Byzantine period. These
structures present an interesting view in the direction of Galata,
Golden Horn, and the Historic Peninsula. (Gülersoy, 2001)
A Geographic Information System (GIS) approach was
employed in the study. Arc View 3.2 has been selected as GIS
software. The Fatih district in Istanbul that has been declared a
historical area has been selected for the case study.
This paper focuses on those features of the system that are
related to cultural heritage documentation. The monastery of
Christ Pantepoptes (Eski Imaret-i Atik Cami) was selected to
sample building for the case study.
The monastery of Christ Pantepoptes is known to have been
either founded or renovated by Anna Dalassena, mother of
Alexius I Comnenus (1081-1118). Built on the summit of the
City's fourth hill, above the underground cisterns, it commands
a magnificent view of the Golden Horn and the Bosphorus. The
location explains the name Pantepoptes, i.e. the All-Seeing. The
church is of the cross-inscribed type with four columns
supporting a dome. Its ground plan is that of a three-aisled
church with two narthexes. Though in a state of neglect, the
elegantly proportioned building has retained the fine decorative
brick work of the exterior, the shallow niches, the arches
framing single or triple windows, the arcade of the gallery on
the west side, the meander and rosette friezes, as well as
sections of the cornices carved with palmettes.
Municipality of Metropol Istanbul provided data, which has
been used in this study, in the scale of 1:1000 digital maps in
micro station format produced by means of photogrammetric
techniques from aerial photographs.
Detailed geometric information of the sample building was
derived from architectural photogrammetry and geodetic
measurements.(El Din,2000). Site photography was obtained
using Rollei D7 metric camera. The control points (approx. 35)
were realized by using geodetic techniques. The
photogrammetric evaluation was done by PhotoModeler
software (figure 1).
Photo 3
Figure 1. Example of the photogrammetric evaluation