ement the Software
2D the images were
0 a given plane. This
h the choice of two
ured on the object
r the rectification of
ched together to an
in a specific scale as
; could carry out the
ric triangulation tool
pending on the input
ues such as space
d a bundle block
) define the variables
mated digital surface
ighly accurate point
of a typical facade
e of 1:450 and were
image resolution of
. coverage of 4.5 mm
e was about 9 m, the
re measured with an
the chosen „natural“
;s manually, and the
ate of the exterior
nt collection — based
amount of tie points
point collection
triangulation process
of unit weight. The
uals computed for the
Property S.D.
Ground X 0.0120 m
Ground Y 0.0191m
Ground Z 0.0130m
Image X 0.2726 pixel ~ 3 um
Image Y 0.2747pixel
Figure 6: Results of the triangulation
For the high accuracy orthophoto-production but also for the
production of building-sections and in a long term for the
production of a 3D model of the whole temple finally a digital
elevation model of the facade was automatically generated with
the help of the stereo-model.
For the evaluation of the accuracy of the DEM a comparison
between the known object points (tie- and ground control
points) and the matched DEM-points was made. The absolute
deviations varied between -4 and +3 cm. The average absolute
error was about +/-1 cm. The maximum-faults occurred in the
shadowed areas and could be corrected by simple editorial work
with Erdas Stereo-Analyst.
With the achieved data sections in any order could be laid
through the facade by Profile Tools of Erdas Imaging.
Figure 7: Orthophoto, DGM and Profiles
The achieved methods of digital photogrammetry will be a solid
component in archaeological and architectural work of the next
Sirwäh-Expedition. The painful hand-made line drawing can be
replaced in great parts. The image-maps as geometrically
correct drawing-basis can be rationalized. The maps are at
disposal within a day. During special training periods the
archaeologists and architects are taught to help themselves with
this technology.
First results of point-matching to automatically generation of
surface models show that a complete three-dimensional object
reproduction by digital photogrammetric methods can be
achieved within one field-campaign.
Figure 8: Fortification Tower, West-Side