Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

fully documented in 
MS errors referred to 
dial distortion. How- 
ment have also to be 
camera used, ‘flight’ 
| may result in rather 
| photography, image 
d below 5°. The pro- 
1 rotations about the 
eed 15?. Contrary to 
ly from 6-tilts about 
f Aigosthena exceed- 
ly small stereo-bases 
ong with liberal con- 
tie points determined 
e points, which often 
ussed here), must be 
rly if significant per- 
nce of surface relief 
imple ground control 
in Section 4, regard- 
lans as a source for 
maging distances are 
f image resizing and 
era constants or strip 
deling is a key issue 
etrically reliable and 
ion of very demand- 
acies and ‘stretched’ 
cially available soft- 
aces as a DTM with a 
ation (more complex 
or special treatment; 
nmetrically collected 
ly integrated by De- 
fined by triangles. In 
ill the main mode of 
rchaeological ortho- 
| et al., 2000). Laser 
es problems of post- 
meshes suitable for 
: al., 2001). Besides, 
9 laser scanners as it 
llection phase to the 
nd discontinuities (a 
; of experience). But 
he type of algorithm 
nodel for orthophoto 
, 2000). In the expe- 
al problem in ortho- 
surfaces orthogonal 
triangles, a task en- 
such cases, the soft- 
ed as a combination 
> bottom. This, how- 
indom' triangulation 
g image resampling. 
:quivalent to the im- 
ollection scheme has 
been adopted. The top of a ‘vertical’ surface patch is described 
by a polyline. For each polyline segment (d), three points were 
collected at the bottom, as shown in Fig. 1: two corresponding 
to its endpoints (A,C) and one (B) approximately to its middle. 
This scheme, though somewhat tedious, allows to constrain the 
formation of triangles by ‘forcing’ it to follow the surface form 
and, thus, secures a possibly faithful modeling (within the scale 
tolerance). It is needless to say that only certain ‘difficult’ parts, 
not a whole surface, have to be described in this manner. On the 
other hand it is clear that good surface description is necessary 
but not sufficient: suitable images must also be available as the 
result of careful planning. 
In Fig. 2 an example is shown from the Aigosthena project. It is 
clearly seen that all surface breaks have been faithfully modeled 
which helps produce a geometrically correct orthoprojection. 
A second example given in Fig. 3 is drawn from the Sparta pro- 
ject. There, a view of the western parodos is shown, along with 
Figure 1. Breakline and points forming ‘vertical’ triangles. 
Figure 2. Shaded surface model of a part of the Aigosthena Castle (top). Below are also are seen a detail of the surface model by the 
window, showing the ‘vertical’ hang, and the corresponding area of the orthomosaic. 
the shaded model of a detail area, whose orthoimage is also to 
be seen. The full orthomosaics of the two parodoi are presented 
in Fig. 4, whereas in Fig. 5 a further example of surface model- 
ing from the eastern parodos is given. Finally, the products of 
the Zea project are illustrated in Fig. 6. 
As already mentioned, an aspect regarding cost efficiency in the 
production of digital orthomosaics concerns the exploitation of 
pre-existing line drawings, plans or elevations of a site. Indeed, 

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