ue | :
Figure 6. Shaded model and orthomosaic of the Zea theatre.
numerous archaeological sites have been mapped at one time or
another, usually with geodetic surveys on behalf of the Ministry
of Culture, which has produced an amassed wealth of available
data, mostly planar. Depending, of course, on their accuracy and
quality, one might well take advantage of such graphical data at
an extended scale as exclusive control information to produce
orthomosaics for innumerable sites, at least as basic archival do-
One could proceed by simply deriving planar control points XY
from such 2D information and execute a ‘purely planimetric’ ad-
justment. As, however, solution is impossible without some ele-
vations, the procedure in a digital photogrammetric workstation
could be as follows. First, a ‘relative’ phototriangulation is per-
formed, i.e. the strip model is formed (in the system of the first
image), providing for all control points their model coordinates
Xyz, which can be correctly scaled. These elevations z, referring
to a tilted model system of arbitrary z-origin, are then used with
very small weight in control point triplets XYz for a new bundle
adjustment. Outcome of such essentially planar adjustments will
be the exterior orientation of the images, related to the arbitrary
model z-origin.
Experimentation has indicated that the resulting inaccuracies in
elevation, due to small uncorrected model tilt, may be diminish-
ed by using more realistic weighting. After the first solution, the
O, à, K values for the reference image are used to determine a
maximum value for the model displacement in z, at the control
point remotest from the nadir N of the image. This value is used
in a new bundle adjustment as better approximation for weight-
ing model elevations. to provide new ®, À, K values. From these
a final weight for each z is calculated as its expected uncertainty
due to model tilt. The XY coordinates are first rotated by x, and
their absolute AX and AY differences from N are then combined
with the absolute ©, À values to give the error estimation
s,= AX¢ + AY®
used for weighting elevations in the final phototriangulation. In
this sense, object relief is also taken into account.
Both the described approach and ‘planimetric’ adjustment have
been applied to the data of all four projects. Table 7 presents the
RMS differences of the resulting control point coordinates from
those estimated by bundle adjustment using full 3D control. Of
course, all Z-values thus obtained have been first shifted to refer
to the mean elevation of the control points.
Table 7. RMS differences between full bundle adjustment and
adjustments using only 2D ground information
planimetric adjustment | with weighted elevations
X(cm) Y(cm) Z(cm) | X(cm) | Y(cm) | Z(cm)
Zea 0.5 1.1 16.1 0.3 0.5 7.0
Ag. Marina | 1.3 1.2 23.4 0.6 0.6 4.6
Aigosthena | 0.4 0.4 19 0.4 0.4 1.8
Sparti 0.6 0.3 3.3 0.6 0.3 3.4
It is seen that in the last two cases both approaches provide very
good results. This is apparently due to the strong configurations,
as the extension in depth was significant compared to the short
imaging distances, and most object points were intersected with
several rays. The tilt of the reference image is expected to play a
role, too, and so does the form of the strip (which in 4g. Marina
is long and narrow). In the first two cases, improvement is clear.
Evidently — as also witnessed by the larger discrepancies in Z —
small uncorrected tilts are still present in all cases. The distribu-
tion of Z-differences, seen in Figs. 8 and 9, illustrate this effect.
Even if elevations are ignored, however, planimetric orientation
appears as sufficient for the projection on the horizontal plane.
Indeed, no significant differences were detected between ortho-