Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

2.3 Mapping the Archaeological evidence 
From the excavation data, for example, we will show the 
archaeological kiln site that were belonged in A.D.14 century, we 
at first must reconstruct the original data like a Fig. 3. This kiln 
site were the luck of upper parts by the rockslide. We must 
reconstruct the original images therefore, A.D.1361 big 
earthquake hit in this area.. Fig 4 is the original images stage 
1(before earthquake) and Fig S is the stage 2(after earthquake). 
2.4 Mapping the Vegetation from Pollen Analysis 
After making the ground surface models, we must consider 
about vegetation model for the textures on ground surface models. 
Fig 6 is the Pollen Analysis data from this kiln site. 
Fig.3 Excavation data 
Fig. 6 Pollen Analysis data 
This data sows twice times vegetations changes, first time is the 
ceramic product started. Wooden pollen was decreasing, and 
grass pollen was in opposition increasing over 60% in the whole 
pollen. In this evidence, ceramic makers cut the trees from the 
around the kiln. Second time is the time that earthquake hit, more 
than increasing the needle leaf tree, and more than decreasing the 
wide leaf tree and grass pollen. 
From these pollen data, we can considerable following cross 
section changes of the archaeological site. 
Fig.4 Rebuilding the old surface stage 1 
2.5 Data integration using GIS 
GIS integrate the above data, which makes it easier for the 
archaeological researchers to search for the aimed data. 
2.6 Creating the reconstruction CG 
The CG of the reconstructed landscapes was made to help the 
further understanding of the archaeologists and for the 
educational purpose. The layer of the vegetation stored in the GIS 
is exported and used for these CGs. 
The CG shows the change of the land use more detailed than the 
2 dimensional GIS layers. As shown in the figures, using the 
trees based on the pollen analysis, CG has much more realities 
than GIS layer. 
Fig 5 Rebuilding the old surface stage 2 

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