Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

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Setting up and proposing Web Gis for on-line consultation of 
risk maps: nearing remote integration 
*Procuring typical archives already existing or produced by 
ongoing experiments (see sample data relative to 
georeferencing and GIS structuring of protected objects, as 
per Law 1089 of the Region of Lombardy already carried out 
by the Unit B of Milan); 
*activation of relationships with the local authorities, interested 
in research and data exchange. 
The samples in this case will be handed over starting with data 
and results of the aforesaid experiments in the individual 
fields of application. Procuring the tools 
1. To obtain the correct tools, collaboration agreements with 
construction companies are in the pipeline for use and 
experimentation of the laser scanner instruments available 
on the market 
2. We intend to develop our methodologies based on : 
*development and implementation of a prototype multiple 
head and multiple axis laser scanner for acquisition of 
micrometric data; 
*development and implementation of unconventional 
systems of image acquisition, such as balloons and kites. 
3. Agreements between the different research UB for use of 
already available tools 
*basic GPS tools; GPS Pathfinder Pocket System tools for 
georeferencing, permanent stations managed by the UB; 
*photogrammetric tools and rectification SW. 
4. Financing from the research programme will yield the 
necessary photogrammetric shots for comparing and contrasting 
MIVIS images integrated with high-resolution satellite images 
(Quick Bird...). 
Agreements, some already initiated and some to commence, 
reached with local authorities (including the Regions, the 
Territory Agency, ...) for acquisition, data exchange and 
The research activity in the first phase will include an initial 
seminar with all the research units participating in the project in 
order to: 
*unify the operating programmes, in order to avoid useless 
*increase awareness relating to the different fields of research 
mentioned earlier on a national and international level and shed 
light on the results of research projects developed as part of 
Cofin00 and Cofin01 in which many of the Research Units 
played a part (Laser scanner technology, use of high resolution 
satellite images, ..); 
*redefine the activities of each research unit to programme a 
detailed calendar for carrying out activities; 
*analysis of the problems relating to sample areas identified the 
by operating units; 
*choice of the tools to rent on the market in addition to those 
already available in the Universities and to acquire; 
*execution of framework networks for the first series of 
*validation and organization of data gathered from surveys, 
duplication of data and redistribution of the same to the research 
units by sector of knowledge; 
*holding a seminar with all the research units in order to 
evaluate the state of progress of the project, to unify the 
awareness of the various aspects of the research and extend the 
detailed calendar of activities to the second year. 
References from Books: 
AAVV, “Il Polo Regionale della Carta del Rischio in 
Lombardia. ^ Dalla ^ catalogazione alla ^ conservazione 
programmata", presentazione di Pietro Petraroia, Direttore 
Generale Culture, Identità e Autonomie della Lombardia, 
Milano, 2000 
AAVV, "La Carta del Rischio del patrimonio culturale", 
Ministero BB. CC. AA. Ufficio Centrale per i Beni 
Archeologici, Artistici e Storici - Istituto Centrale per il 
Restauro, Edizione A.T.I., 4 voll., MARIS, 1996, 
References from Other Literature: 
Monti, C., Achille, C., Brumana, R., Fregonese, L., Savi, C., 
Mapping on the Internet and the World Wide Web: a Web GIS 
on line prototype for the Historical Centre of Genova. ICC 
2001, The 20th International Cartographic Conference, Beijing. 
August 6-10 2001. (vol. I, pp. 2427-2435). 
Achille, C., Brumana, R., Fregonese, L., Monti, C., Savi, C., 
Mapping on the internet AND THE WORLD WIDE WEB: A 
WEB GIS on line prototype for the Historical Centre of 
Genova, ICC 2001, The 20th International Cartographic 
Conference, Beijing. August 6-10 2001, vol. I, 2001 
Achille, C., Brumana, R., Fregonese, L., Monti, C., GIS to 
support the planning, the management and the project of 
conservation of Historical Centers, Atti ISPRS Commissione V, 
Working Group 5, Hakodate, Japan, 1998 
Achille, C., Bruiana, R., Fregonese, Monti, C., Savi, C., Agile 
services distribution: architectures to support WEB GIS, Atti 
ISPRS, International Workshop on "Dynamic and Multi- 
Dimensional GIS (DMGIS), Beijing, China, 1999 
Patias, P., Stylianidis, E., Terzitanos, K., Comparison of simple 
off-the-self and of-wide-use 3D modelling software to strict 
photogrammetric procedures for close-range applications, 
Archives of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, Vol. XXXII, 
Part 5, Hakodate, pp. 628-632, 1998 
Patias, P., Dinakis, L., Karanikolas, N.,... , The use of low cost 
technology for real time mapping and imaging applications, Int. 
Arch. of Optical 3-D Measurement techniques V, october 1-4, 
Vienna, 2001. 
Bondesan, M., Gatti, M., Russo, P., Subsidence in the Eastern 
Po Plain (Italy). Proceedings of the Sixth International 
Symposium an Land Subsidence (SISOLS). 24-29 september 
2000, vol. II, 2000 
References from websites: 
http://www .esri.com/software/arcims/index.htm 
http://www .esri.com/software/arcpad/index.htm 
http://www sister.it 
http://www .trimble.com/geoexplorer3.html 

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