automatic methods to extract and to match tie points; this limits
the amount of measurements to be performed by the user. In this
context, this paper describes the solution developed at the
University of Parma to deal with the orientation of close-range
block and the perspectives towards a complete automation of
this task.
What this paper is about
In this paper we present a system of programs developed to
perform image orientation in close range blocks that, according
to testing and checks we executed, is considerably robust with
respect to block configuration. The current implementation (in
the following referred to as TRIACR) has only batch
functionality: it receives as input image coordinates and the
coordinates of GCPs and works out the bundle block
adjustment. The final goal of the system is nevertheless to
interface the program to the measurement process, in order to
improve possible network configuration deficiencies as well as
the robustness with respect to blunders in the data set. After this
testing stage, the efforts will focus in that direction. The goal is
not setting up an on-line orientation process, but rather allowing
fast editing and correction after completing the measurement on
the images.
The system implement algorithms for space resection, space
intersection and bundle block adjustment integrated in a
management module which oversees the sequence of
computations and the whole orientation procedure. While the
adjustment program is our own development, neither the
algorithm of space resection nor that of space intersection have
been originally developed by the authors: as it will be specified
in the following, changes have only been made to the resection
algorithm, which is now significantly more robust than in its
original release. The main contribution of this work is therefore
to be found in the procedure handling the block orientation.
In the next section, the orientation procedure will be introduced,
outlining how the workflow fits naturally within any block
geometry, including, perhaps with an additional measurement
effort, aerial blocks with standard overlap. Section 3 introduces
the two algorithms employed. The space resection algorithm, as
in other approaches, relies on the knowledge of 4 object points
to discriminate among different solutions. Space intersection is
based on a vector formulation leading to a closed formula and to
the evaluation of the parallax in object space.
Section 4 presents the checks already implemented to verify the
quality and reliability of the computed solution, the results of
the procedure on two of the several real and simulated blocks up
today oriented with TRIACR.
Outlook of the Strategy
The core of the program TRIACR is based on repeating, until
the whole block is oriented, a sequence of three operations: a
space resection of single images followed by a space
intersection and finally a bundle adjustment including all
information (GCP coordinates, image coordinates of tie and
GCPs and EO parameters) available at that stage. Accordingly,
there are three main modules:
1. an algorithm of space resection (RESECT), which
requires at least four points to compute a solution but no
approximations of the EO parameters;
2. an algorithm to compute the approximate object
coordinates of a point measured in a pair of images;
3 a least squares bundle adjustment program (CALGE),
As mentioned above, we assume that block orientation starts
when the measurement of the image coordinates of all tie and
GC points has been completed, so that the block geometry is
consistent. Apart from a remark discussed later in this section,
criteria for number and distribution of tie points and control
points are just those one would to apply to that aim in any
Our goal is to run a bundle adjustment of the block without
providing initial values (either for EO parameters and for
ground coordinates of tie points). We will use RESECT to
provide approximate values for the EO of every image and a
closed formula (Cooper and Robson, 1996) to compute the
(approximate) ground coordinates of tie points from an image
pair. To this aim, we have to provide RESECT with at least 4
known object points for every image: we do so by an
incremental (iterative) process where, starting from a kernel of
oriented images and by analysing all measured image
coordinates, we orient new images and compute preliminary
ground coordinates of tie points as soon as this is feasible. It can
be thought as of an extension of the strip concatenation of single
models used in the past. To start the process, we need in the
block at least one kernel of images (two or more), which can be
registered by RESECT (i.e. containing at least 4 GCPs). The EO
of kernel images, determined by RESECT, is used to determine
by space intersection the approximate ground coordinates of
every tie points shared by the images of the kernel. To complete
the first sequence of operations, EO and ground coordinates of
tie points are refined by computing a bundle adjustment.
The list of the known object points (true GCPs and tie points
just determined) is therefore updated and the image point list of
the whole block is searched for images containing, based on the
updated object point list, at least four known object points: this
should be the case if proper overlap between the images of the
block exist and if tie point selection was adequate so that the
block geometry is stable and consistent. Additional GCPs are
also included, as soon as the images they are measured come
into play.
The procedure is then started again from the new images which
can be oriented by RESECT. This is repeated until the whole
block is completed, adding new images and new tie points at
every iteration. The success of the method depends just on the
correct design of the block, particularly on the distribution of tie
points. As already stressed, this does not put any true additional
constraint on the standard triangulation procedure. Take for
instance an aerial block with its typical regular shape: for the
method to proceed smoothly across the whole block, we need:
- atleast one model with 4 GCPs;
- along every strip, at least 4 tie points rather than the
standard 3 in the von Gruber positions;
- if there are no or just a few GCP at the block ends, at least
one image pair with 4 tie points across each strip.
None of these features looks as serious constraint (the method
was successfully tested on aerial blocks with 60% forward and
20% side overlap), taking into account that the method is
devised for use in terrestrial blocks, where a larger number of
tie points is used and overlaps are on average larger than in
aerial blocks. There is no need for the procedure to start froma
“corner” of the block: the initial kernel grows in every direction
where tie points allows it to do. There may even be more than
one kernel.
It may happen that the configuration of known object points is
not suitable to enable RESECT to compute the solution. If this
is the case, the image will not be oriented at that iteration. If
other tie points in the image are determined from nearby images
at a later stage, this gives another chance for the orientation of
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