Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

Figure 6 — Examples of images of block “fountain” (on the left) 
and “cloister” (on the right) 
On the basis of the test blocks processed up today, we are 
confident that the algorithms we implemented and the whole 
orientation procedure are sound. The applications we had in 
mind in the first place, when starting to work on this project, 
where mainly in architectural photogrammetry, but there is no 
need to stick to this field: for instance, we successfully used it to 
orient images taken for camera calibration, with strong 
convergent geometry as well as additional shots with +90° 
rotations around the camera axis. 
There are still cases where the algorithm fails to find a solution 
(and therefore the image cannot be added to the block), even 
after the procedure went into all steps so all available tie points 
in the image have been used. This was for instance the case with 
the block “fountain”, where tie and control points were both 
signalized. We had available two sets of image coordinates: one 
measured at the analytical plotter, the other with template Ls. 
matching. This second version had less tie points available, 
since l.s. matching could not manage to correlate successfully 
some targets, due to strong perspective distortions, while the 
operator at the plotter could. Therefore, the procedure run 
smoothly with the manually measured block and stopped with 
the other. This suggests that, irrespective of whether this 
happened because the points at hand in that particular image 
were close to a singularity configuration or not, it is worth 
taking a users' approach: just measure additional tie points until 
the problem is solved. As underlined in the introductory section, 
there is no reason for the procedure to fail if block geometry is 
sound: in our view, provided that the camera stations are well 
placed, it is only necessary to improve locally the connections 
of an image to the block; if that does not help, then more images 
are necessary. 
Future developments therefore will have to go towards the 
integration of the procedure in a measurement environment, to 
be able to spot the problem and solve it quickly. This is not the 
key point, anyway; we want also to improve the robustness of 
the algorithm and the self-diagnosis provided to the user about 
block geometry and measurement errors. 
At the time of writing, we have embarked in an analysis of the 
sensitivity of the method to cope with measurement errors. 
Though only very preliminary results can be anticipated, they 
are useful hints at what should be done. When introducing large 
errors (up to 400 um) in the image coordinates of a GCP of the 
initial kernel, if only four points are available there is no chance 
to get the image oriented. If more points are available, the 
image is oriented at a later stage, when redundancy from the 
block adjustment is larger and the error shows up in the 
residuals. If the error is very large, though, the threshold on the 
discrepancy between the given GCP coordinates and those 
computed by intersection may be exceeded. This is safe When 
redundancy is low and embarking wrong measurements is 
dangerous, unnecessary later, when redundancy is enough. This 
suggests that we may have to revise some thresholds values or 
make them more flexible, according to the work progress. 
References from Journals 
Albertella, A., Scaioni, M., 1999. Orientamento diretto in close- 
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References from Books 
Cooper, M.A.R., Robson, 1996. Theory of Close Range 
Photogrammetry. In Close Range Photogrammetry and Machine 
Vision, S. Atkinson K.B. (ed.), Whittles Publishing, Caithness, 
Scotland, UK: pp. 9-51. 
Wrobel, B.P., 2001. Minimum Solution for Orientation. In 
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The authors are indebted to Mattia Crespi for providing the 
original version of RESECT. They are also grateful the Prior of 
the San Giovanni Monastery in Parma, who allowed to survey 
the cloister, used as one of the tests. Thanks also go to Fabio 
Dalla Casa, student at the Parma University, which cooperated 
to the survey and orientation of the test blocks. Last but not 
least, we would like to aknowledge the contribution of Dr. 
Alberta Albertella in testing the RESECT algorithm. This work 
has been partially funded under the national program 
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