Figure 2. Portable light staff camera according to SCHUHR for
extremely low altitude photography (quasi ground truth) as well
as for 3D photography, even under expedition constraints, in
Figure 3. Result of a stereoview of the antique houses of
parliament (Bouleuterion) in the ancient capital PATARA of the
province of Lycia (Turkey) as derived with Schuhr's light staff
camera. This are "pigeon" stereo mates for the right side image
to be viewed in(!) a perpendicular mirror, while(!) the left side
image shows the true view.
A systematic identification of research topics in spatial data
visualization here results from dealing, with the current and
future tasks for MIS applications.
In this respect a so called * Research Gap Matrix for MIS " has
successfully been applied. It is liked to emphasize, the strongly
systematic aspect of this Research Gap Matrix for MIS will
become of great importance for international exchange and
The idea behind this matrix is, to list the detailed current and
future abilities and products. Referring to figure 4, the research
gap matrix for MIS typical abilities and products are
visualization and visualization effects in Mono (VIS. MONO)
and in Stereo (3 D), analogue (INTERP.ANA) and digital
(DIG.) results of the interpretation etc.. Apart from the topic on
spatial data visualization, additional fields for MIS research are
numeric coordinates of Ground Control Points (NUM.C.GCP),
the definition and handling of topographic objects (TOP.OB),
the Digital Elevation Model (D.E.M.) the analogue
presentation of maps (MAPS:ANA), research for digital line
maps (DIG.) as well as for analogue and digital photomaps
Of course, even for this very general sample, much space is left
for particular own additions, which might lead to surprising
cognitions, but can rarely claim for completeness. After this,
within the sample matrix, the MIS devices are listed
columnwise. The term “MIS devices“ here stands for a
Workstation or PC based MIS, including the hard- and software
for periphery instruments, like scanners, digitizers, plotters etc..
To define more detailed research topics for spatial data
visualization, it is advisable to split the column for MIS devices
according to these aspects. Though, currently special purpose
computers are more and more disappearing from the Market,
the term “MIS devices“, better known as "GIS-devices" is
according to practical, increasingly software related
Today MIS devices are mainly dealing with vector data, while
digital image processing systems are more dealing with raster
data. This distinguishing recently more and more becomes
Matrix fields in figure 4 showing a column, indicate "already
successfully solved" achievements, while the matrix fields
indicated by a square stand for an open field for further
research. In this context the need for international research does
not mean, the activities in this particular area have to start from
the beginning, but from the authors point of view, here still a
great job is waiting for scientific as well as for practical work.
Of course an extension of this approach to the broad spectrum
of MIS technology is highly recommended. For international
exchange in the procurement of (3D-) products, this approach
shall be applied in a modified way: The methods, the state, the
progress, congresses hold, publications etc., shall be exchanged
wide via the world web.
It is liked to emphasize, in this context algorithms in particular
are seen as an important Market gap for the future. As a first
result from dealing with this “Research Gap Matrix for MIS" a
list of 11 additional topics for research gaps in spatial data
visualization has been obtained:
3D - -
- X
DIG. a -w p X
NUM.C:GCP - 0 \ i
- I S
D.E.M. - I N
DG. w= | NEN
DIG. -
Figure 4: Research Gap Matrix for MIS and Digital
Photogrammetric Systems (DIPS)
(1) The generation of a lost or so far not existed stereo
A lost or missing stereo mate preferable should be taken from
the real object. If at least a 3dimensional model of the object is
available, the single picture can be projected onto the real
(6) '