ito the upper
ets into the
le basis of
ion of pitch
t of a pitch
the previous
ragments of
shift, image
z instead of
nents of the
t image and
nes has an
ft along the
1akes about
30 % from a vertical size of the image, and horizontal size -
about 2 -3 % from a horizontal size.
One pair of zones is displaced relative to another on a half of
zone vertical size on an angle of elevation. At that, on curse
zones are placed: between road marking lines in far zone on one
image; in the center of the image on another. Placement of
zones is controlled frame after frame.
Fig. 2 presents the block-scheme of this procedure.
Let's consider how this procedure works.
Determination of the zone position displacement on course
when angular velocity is present
Angle A is calculated using the data of angular velocity sensor.
Here A¢ is the angle on which it is necessary to move all zones
for the same objects of scene getting in the zones that were in
these zones on the previous step.
Ad= 0o At —
Here F is focal length, m, is scale along a Z axis.
Determination of acceptable pitch increment values
This procedure task is to decrease number of possible etalon
positions inside of the zone, which allows to decrease false
operation probability and to decrease processing time. Possible
values of pitch angle Ag; could be determined as:
Ap; = 9; 1 At +6
At that the relation |p;_; + A@;| < Pmax is verified where Era
and à are defined by the vehicle dynamic characteristics.
Calculating of a lateral histogram for each zone
Lateral histogram is formed for each zone. To do it the sum per
line is calculated. The result of this procedure is 4 one-
dimensional arrays.
Determination for each zone the contrast value, maximum
of correlation function and appropriate pitch increment
The maximum value of lateral histogram contrast is calculated
for each zone by some differentiating operator. The correlation
function R(n) is calculated, it’s maximum value found and
position of zone relative to the etalon is determined for this
The correlation function R(n) is calculated as
Load ith image
Determination of the zone
position displacement on course
Q, At
Determination of acceptable pitch
increment values
Calculating of a lateral histogram
for each zone
Determination for each zone the
contrast value, maximum of
correlation function and
appropriate pitch increment value
Output pitch increment value
Current pitch angle value
[* Road situation analysis =
Determination of new position for
zones on course angle
Calculating of lateral histograms
of etalon images and calculation
of contrast in every zone
Contrast exceed
threshold value
Fig. 2
* - road marking lines position in Far Zone;
** - screen coordinates of objects that are tracked;
= i.i, G;. 1 , (max
> 4 (k)45 (k n)
1/2 1/2