ject was 2-3
oe Tl TE HITS D:
In Figure 5 are shown the radial distortion curves of the three
calculations. They are almost identical. In Figures 6 and 7 are
shown the decentering distortion curves for x- and y-
coordinates in a chosen direction. They are far from identical
but on the other hand also the magnitude of the distortion is
very small compared to the radial distortion. This gives more
support for the suggestion that it might be enough to model just
the radial distortion.
In this article a camera calibration method based on concentric
camera rotation has been described. The simulations showed
that if the captured image set is symmetric and if at least one of
the images is totally overlapped by the others, there are good
possibilities to succeed in solving the calibration parameters.
Some care must be taken in rotating the camera but a small
deviation from the concentricity does not spoil the results. The
longer the distance from the camera to the object, the more
deviation from the concentricity is allowed.
The presented method does not use any 3-D control data.
Because of the special imaging geometry there aren't any
occlusions or lightning differences between the images. Based
on the performed simulations and test with real data the single
station camera calibration can be seen as an alternative to the
more traditional calibration methods.
: mn /
30r — [—— testfield | /
|-- set1 | É
| set2 | 7
28] re 7
o A
© 20} J
o /
2 ;
5 E
S 15| /
© /
10} / 7
5} 4 A
0 777 L 1 1 }
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Radial distance:
Figure 5. Radial distortion curves.
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Fryer, J., 1996. Single Station Self-Calibration Techniques. In:
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Hartely, R., 1994. Self-Calibration from Multiple Views with a
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Olof Eklund (Ed.), Computer Vision —ECCV '94, Springer-
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Niini, I, 2000. Photogrammetric Block Adjustment Based on
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Wester-Ebbinghaus, W., 1982. Single Station Self Calibration,
Mathematical Formulation and First Experiences. In:
International Archives of Photogrammetry, Commission V,
Vol. 24, York, pp. 533-550.
[- — testfield |
set 1
02 | se | 1
Decentering distortion in x-direction:
o- 2300 “200 300 400 50 600 700
Radial distance:
Figure 6. Decentering distortion for x-coordinate.
.—— testfield | /
[== sail | A |
Ó« ose | d ]
0.8- f 1
0.6} d gl
0.4} |
0.21 ed
Decentering distortion in y-direction:
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Radial distance:
Figure 7. Decentering distortion for y-coordinate.