nd only image
7 useful when in
; calling p, and
iages, the image
e third view are
h equations are
lines. The point
ntal matrix, but
s and remove
le to derive the
third view; e.g.,
iven by:
th ej.
1ird view.
a scale factor,
ıdences: using
ions, 4 of them
plet of images,
rithm [Fischler
at support two
zeometry. The
el (T tensor) to
rom a minimal
mages, a set of
r, is available.
‘y consecutive
y tensors (Ts,
1ces which are
two adjacent
Vas Xb»Yb» XesYe)
first tensor is
his means that
| therefore this
| is tracked as
t of images
fgure.5: Extracted lines with Canny operator (a) and merged segment (b-c, d-e). Aggregated lines classified according to their
direction (f,g,h). 4 control points measured manually on the body and used for the adjustment (1)
! Initial approximation of the unknowns
ase of its non-linearity, the bundle-adjustment (section 3.3)
4 initial approximations for the unknown interior and
or orientations.
approach based on vanishing point is used to compute the
jx parameters of the camera (principal point and focal
4). The vanishing point is the intersection of parallel lines
bject space transformed to image space by a perspective
formation of the camera. Man-made objects are often
qt in the images, therefore geometric information of the
aired scene can be derived from these features.
, semi-automatic process to determine the approximations of
‚interior parameters consists of:
inight lines extraction with Canny operator ( Figure 5, a)
wrging short segments taking into account segments slope
nd distance from the center of the image (Figure 5, b-c, d-e);
iteractive identification of three mutually orthogonal
lissification of the extracted and aggregated lines according
btheir directions (Figure 5, f,g,h);
omputation of the three vanishing points for each direction
Collins, 1993]. Each line lj is represented by its
hmogeneous coordinates (ai, bi, ci); if there are only two
ines, the cross product of them gives the coordinates of the
wüshing point; if n lines l;, b, ... 1, are involved, we get the
lest fit" vanishing point forming the matrix L as:
n aa; a;b: 81€;
L= a;b; bb; bici [10]
i=l JC: C: C
aci bic; i%
md computing the vanishing point as the eigenvector
isociated with the smallest eigenvalue.
ktermination of the principal point and the focal length of
te camera [Caprile and Torre, 1990].
k approximations of the exterior orientation are instead
mputed using spatial resection. In our case, 4 object points
wsured on the human body (Figure 5, i) are used to compute
approximations of the positions of the cameras.
3 Bundle adjustment
“ing the process described in section 3.1, a total of 148
imspondences are found in the images of Figure 1 and then
morted in the adjustment. The points used for the space
tion are imported as control points. Ten additional
meters [Brown, 1971] are used to model systematic errors:
camera constant correction, two principal point coordinate
ses, five parameters modelling the radial and tangential lens
Wortion and two parameters for a affine scale factor and shear
yer, 1992]. In our case, the principal point coordinate
offsets, the parameter for the correction of the camera constant
and the first term of the radial lens distortion turned out to be
significant. The theoretical precision of the tie points is ox —
15.5 mm, oy = 9.8 mm, o; = 14.2 mm while the standard
deviation of unit weight a posteriori is 1.8 micron (1/4 of the
pixel size). The computed camera poses and 3-D coordinates of
the tie points are shown in Figure 6.
* » à wo &
as $c < > o
B ve Y
» . : 4
* y
$e Te : ?
* LE » » ge ® ax
* * ed * »
a 75 a ® 3 ^9
> es € se EY
& 2 2
® "a $*
+ ©
Figure 6: Recovered camera positions and object points
In order to produce a dense and robust set of corresponding
image points, an automated matching process is used
[D'Apuzzo, 2002]. It establishes correspondences between
triplets of images starting from few seed points and is based on
the adaptive least squares method. One image serves as
template and the others as search image. The matcher searches
the corresponding points in the two search images
independently and at the end of the process, the data sets are
merged to become triplets of matched points. For the process,
all consecutive triplets are used. The 3-D coordinates of each
matched triplet are then computed by forward intersection using
the results of the orientation process. At the end, all the points
are joined together to create a unique point cloud. In order to
reduce the noise in the 3-D data and get a more uniform density
of the point cloud, a spatial filter is applied: the object space is
divided into boxes and the points contained in each box are
replaced by the center of gravity of the box. After the filtering
process, a uniform 3-D point cloud is obtained, as shown in
Figure 7. The generation of a surface model from unorganised
3-D point clouds requires non standard procedures which can
be found in commercial packages. A standards 2.5 Delauney
triangulation can not create a correct meshed surface from the
obtained 3-D point shown in Figure 7.