Figure 8. Matching result of a motion model
(lines = movement compared to next image)
The calculations of the stereo models are still in progress.
Within the scope of the project WAVESCAN a groyne field at
Norderney Island is recorded with four synchronised digital
video cameras. For reconstruction of the sea surface a least
squares matching algorithm is used. The obtained results show
the high potential of the automatic measurement method.
However, the approach has to be optimised in terms of level of
automation, accuracy and speed.
The treatment of more than two images has to be integrated into
the matching procedure also. For this purpose the acquired
image coordinates are transformed into object space using the
interior and exterior orientation. Subsequently, the calculated
object coordinates are re-transformed in the convergent images.
Thus sufficient seed points are available for a new matching
between the convergent and one of the normal case images.
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The authors are grateful to the Federal Ministry of Education
and Research (BMBF) and the German Coastal Engineering
Research Council (KFKI) for funding of WAVESCAN.