Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

low. Due to a suboptimal quality of the calibration the tolerance 
to the epipolar line has to be increased which leads to a higher 
number of ambiguities when the previous method is applied. 
With the new implementation the number of links could be 
increased by more than 40 % (Fig. 8). 
TBP en 
figure 6: Particle trajectory reconstructed with previous 
jementation (left), same trajectory reconstructed with new 
spatio-temporal matching algorithm (right) 
— ditionally calculated particle positions are marked in 
y (Fig. 6, right) Of course not every trajectory 
suction could be improved in that impressive way, but 
dosing a gap of one or two time steps is a substantial 
xement for the hydrodynamic analysis. 
iult of the 3D PTV processing is a velocity field with a 
d spatial resolution and a low number of mismatched 
iles. A visualization of results is shown in Figure 7 (only a 
tion of trajectories is displayed for the sake of better 
10-temporal matching: 
) available data used by the 
1ethod, (C) result of the new 
ased tracking 
Figure 7: Velocity field (visualization of results) 
ist the new algorithm and to compare the results achieved 
ithe previous implementation three different data sets were 
itable, the loss of quality Sessed, The data sets ‘Copper sulfate’ and ‘Triocular’ were 
compared to an interruption yired during the observation of real experiments, while data 
olation is only used for Simulated vortex’ was completely synthetically generated. 
of the particle positions Oe data sets were processed with the previous and the 
space observations. ^ method, The processing with the new algorithm was 
mple from an experiMilnyeq in forward direction and also bidirectional, which 
king method in comparison ll further improvement. 
he previous implementation 
ıld only be reconstruct 
the new spatio-tempordl y Data set “Copper sulfate’ 
rticle without gap over {he 
ttubulent flow in an aqueous copper sulfate test fluid 
"Wen two electrodes was recorded with four cameras (Lüthi 
4l, 2001). In this experiment the seeding density was rather 
600 , 
500 | 
400 | 
300 | 
200 | 
Number of particles 
100 | 
Previous New (forward only) New (bidirectional) 
ElUnlinked 95 67 64 
El Linked 313 411 446 
Figure 8: Results of the tracking methods (copper sulfate) 
7.2 Data set ‘Triocular’ 
A three camera setup was used to record the flow field in this 
experiment. Image quality and calibration accuracy were quite 
high, nevertheless the epipolar intersection led to a high number 
of ambiguities which may be solved by a four camera setup. 
Making use of the spatio-temporal context these ambiguities 
could be solved even when only three cameras are used for the 
image acquisition. The number of links was increased by almost 
40% while at the same time the number of unlinked particles 
was reduced (Fig. 9). 
800 - 
700 | 
600 | 
500 | 
400 | 
300 | 
200 | 
100 | 
Ü lon 
Number of particles 
1 New (forward only) New (bidirectional) 
BE Unlinked 115 72 
El Linked 501 654 699 
Figure 9: Results of the tracking methods (triocular) 
7.3 Data set ‘Simulated vortex’ 
The algorithm was also tested on the basis of a synthetically 
generated data set simulating a vortex flow seeded with 1500 
particles. Image sequences were created assuming a typical 
PTV hardware setup with four convergent cameras. 
Due to error-free orientation parameters and lenses without 
distortion the epipolar intersection method established already a 
high number of consistent correspondences. However, applying 
the new method a further increase by almost 5% was achieved. 
Out of the 1500 particles only about 8% remained unlinked or 
undetected (Fig. 10). 

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