le for each image
ge point corrected
x for the current
ıl length.
er of homologous
nstraint being that
or in other words,
1 lens distortion is
ns to a curve. Such
or at least greatly
e case of Figure 7,
ssible homologous
e positioned on the
e two object points
cted into the third
coincident with an
'en tolerance, the
ct 3D object point.
asurement process,
e utilised to predict
> considered for the
oint locations, and
ation. An inverse
>eded. Because no
rical inversion that
n process within
ly-convergent VM
ortion of the target
ess takes as input
yrresponding image
The main loop iterates over all possible image pair
combinations. Within this loop, the algorithm computes all
epipolar plane angles of the two selected images and stores the
values in an angle array. To find homologous image points, the
angle array is sorted. At this stage only object point candidates
are determined. To guarantee a certain accuracy of the candidate
point coordinates, only rays with a specified minimum
intersection angle are accepted. An object point candidate is
classified as accepted if, using back projection, it is found in at
least one other image. Consequently, the complete triangulation
information of an object point is built up once it is found to be
an object point candidate. In the case of ambiguities (Figure 7),
only one of all possible object point candidates may be accepted
as the true object point. After rejecting or accepting all object
point candidates of the image pair, the next two images are
selected. In the new image pair only epipolar plane angles for
unassigned image points are computed, which makes the
computation faster for every new image pair.
Figure 7. Resolving correspondence ambiguity
using a third image.
The integrated bundle adjustment forms a logical final step
within an automated off-line VM computation process. Beside
the determination of object point coordinates and EO
parameters, the final bundle adjustment typically includes
sensor self-calibration. Sensor calibration is a basic requirement
for the achievement of high triangulation accuracy, especially in
the case of off-the-shelf digital cameras. Bundle adjustment
strategies include methods for blunder detection, which leads to
the idea of employing an initial bundle adjustment for the
detection and correction of gross errors that arise in the
automated measurement process. Least-squares adjustment
methods are well suited to error detection because all decisions
can be statistically based.
Considering possible observational blunders in both image
scanning and point correspondence determination, a correction
algorithm needs to be developed. There are three types of errors
that can occur:
® Recognition errors in image scanning: It is assumed that
all targets are found correctly and that only a few non-
target regions (e.g. bright areas or spots) are falsely
accepted. If a non-target feature is found in at least three
images, the correspondence process will then find a
corresponding object point. Because the located object
point is a real, physical object feature the final triangulation
network is rarely disturbed. Additionally, these object
points are often rejected in early iterations of the bundle
adjustment because of their anticipated larger image
coordinate residuals. Artificial targets (e.g. retro-reflective
targets) have a very high centroiding precision which is
rarely matched by ‘natural’ target features. Consequently,
the interference of these errors in the automatic
measurement process is rarely of any practical
e Correspondence determination errors: This type of error,
which arises from ambiguities in the epipolar-based point
matching, can always be expected to be present to some
extent, although it rarely causes serious concern in strong
VM networks. In rare situations, often with very dense
target arrays, unresolved false detections occur. Whereas
with recognition errors the effect is to generate additional
object points, here incorrect points with completely wrong
coordinates might result. Though these observational
blunders interfere with initial triangulation, they are usually
rejected in the bundle adjustment if the number of images
in which they appear is low.
* Duplicate point errors: Situations can arise such that a
single target is identified as two (or more) discreet object
points. This occurs when two or more subsets of images
exist where the target passes the correspondence test in
each subset, but not the set as a whole. The algorithm, not
knowing that the target is unique, assigns it as if it were
two discreet object points with slightly different XYZ
coordinates. The correction for this type of error can occur
later, after the final bundle adjustment reveals that the
coordinates for these discreet points are coincident. This
situation occurs when the EO within each image subset is
relatively strong but not strong between each subset.
Analysis of the bundle adjustment progress within various
Australis projects has shown that the first two error types are
accommodated (bad data rejected) in early iterations of a bundle
adjustment. Even the third error type can be identified early on
in the processing because later iterations effect only very small
shifts of object points and these multi-object points are close to
coincident in space. These considerations have led to the
development of a final three-stage triangulation process for
® A ‘fast’ bundle adjustment: This is an initial adjustment to
‘near’ convergence, where a larger than usual RMS
threshold for image coordinate residuals is used as a
convergent criterion; 0.5-3um turns out to be an
appropriate threshold range for highly convergent VM
networks. These networks typically achieve a final RMS
value of 0.15 — 0.3 um. The camera is not fully self-
calibrated in this initial adjustment, though the focal length
and the principal point coordinates are usually carried as
additional parameters. This results in a performance gain,
and it is generally a more robust calculation strategy if only
an inaccurate camera calibration (or no calibration) is at
* Data cleansing stage: Next, a correction process is
performed where the results of the initial bundle adjustment
are analysed. Object points with less than three active
imaging rays are removed and all the corresponding point
measurements are omitted. This process also corrects
blunders arising from the first two error sources listed
above. To correct for duplicate point errors, a simple