Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

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The quality evaluation has shown a significant difference 
between the precision estimates and the accuracy data. It is not 
possible to attribute this to any one cause because of the 
unquantified influence of the surface roughness between the 
different techniques and the method of surface comparison 
used. However, comparison to the CMM reference surfaces has 
demonstrated an agreement to the order of 0.3 mm for all 
datasets. Assessments of variations in the results are also made 
difficult by the fact that the point cloud coverage is different 
between datasets. 
Surface information was not successfully recovered in areas of 
shadow and occlusion caused by the depth discontinuities at the 
particular angle and distance of the images with respect to the 
object surface. Such occlusion problems can be resolved by 
acquiring further images from different locations and 
introducing them in the densification process. Furthermore, it is 
also possible to vary camera exposure and projected image 
intensity to obtain better image quality in both shadow and 
highlight areas. These two additions to the process would 
significantly increase the degree of surface coverage whilst 
maintaining measurement accuracy. 
It is worth noting that a greater number of points can be derived 
from the densification process if a higher image magnification 
is achieved whilst maintaining angle of view. This can be 
achieved with a higher resolution digital camera, such as the 
DCS460 (Papadaki et al, 2001b). 
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[1].http://www.optimumvision.co.uk/kodak.htm (accessed 23 
May 2002) 
[2].http://www.npl.co.uk/ (accessed 30 May 2002) 
(accessed 05 June 2002) 
The author would like to thank Dr. Stuart Robson, UCL, for his 
assistance in the development of this research as well as the 
painstaking tasks of image acquisition and data processing. 
The author would also like to thank Simon Oldfield, NPL, for 
kindly providing the CMM data. 

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