Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

h area for one 
s expected, Q 
ed as a CAD model 
sts of a cube (size of 
rossed red lines. The 
f the images has been 
| 8um (or 0.8 pixels) 
(pixel size is about 
cube using three 
; technique (LSM) 
orward resection and 
tes were compared. 
LSM Defocus Cross Correlation 
6.2 cm 6 cm 7.8 cm 
Table 1. Comparison of RMS values of the points’ 
ground coordinates. 
The defocusing algorithm and the LSM technique gave the best 
results (almost of the same accuracy) while the cross 
correlation algorithm gave the worst solution (table 1), as it was 
The coordinates of the matching points given from the 
defocusing algorithm (using different zoom factors) and the 
cross correlation technique were compared to the ones provided 
from the LSM technique. It has been assumed that the LSM 
technique is giving the best results. The results of the 
comparison are illustrated in table 2. 
Defocusing Cross 
Zoom x 1 Zoom x 4 correlation 
Mean error 
(pixels) 0.54 0.42 0.63 
deviation 0.41 0.37 0.38 
Table 2. Comparison of the mean errors and standard 
deviations of the defocusing and cross correlation 
solutions vs. LSM 
LSM (noise) (noise) Corel (noise) 
vs. LSM (original) |vs. LSM vs. LSM 
Mean error 
(pixels) 0.42 0.54 1.61 
(pixels) 0.54 0.41 1.78 
Table 3. Comparison of the mean errors and standard 
deviations of the LSM, defocusing and cross 
correlation solutions vs. the original LSM solution. 
In order to check the robustness of the algorithm gaussian noise 
was added to the images (fig. 3). All three procedures were 
used to provide new conjugate points coordinates. These 
coordinates were compared with those calculated using the 
LSM on the original images (no noise). Table 3 illustrates the 
results of these comparisons. It is obvious that the defocusing 
algorithm is giving very good results providing sub-pixel 
accuracy and seems that it is not affected by the random noise. 
In real life applications several tests have been applied on 
various epipolar stereo-pair images. In most of the cases the 
algorithm succeeds in the determination of the conjugate 
points. In fig. 4 an example of a true and a false match is 
illustrated. It is obvious that the detail image 4d is presenting 
many edges parallel to the x-axis, thus, high texture occurs, 
while the image 4c is presenting low texture, and appears to be 
more blurred, leading to the minimum value of Q factor. 
The defocusing algorithm has also been used successfully to 
determine conjugate points in aerial applications (fig. 5). The 
diagrams (c and d) of figure 5 illustrate the locus of the 
matched point on the epipolar images. 
Fig. 4. Close range application of the defocusing algorithm. Correct match with a Q factor of 16925 (c), false match 
with a Q factor of 17725 (d). 
There are many advantages, when the above-mentioned 
defocus technique is used to produce automatically the 
restitution of the 3D object that is displayed 3-dimensional on 
the user screen. 
Simplicity and almost real-time response of the automatic 
procedure are the main advantages. The algorithm consists 
only of simple image processing procedures that have already 
been implemented into most CPU and graphics chipsets, fact 
that makes them really fast and accurate. 
Accuracy is another great advantage. Using the defocusing 
algorithm the mean errors of the conjugate points’ location and 
their standard deviation values were better than those obtained 

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