apeCapture and
olar geometry as
nters of the two
yipolar plane) that
ult, two epipolar lines
hese lines. Once the
two image locations
lines become known.
ate pl in the left image
e in the right image.
on the same line, we
we select the
set the digital image
ed into the memory
> program automatically
argets extracted, stereo
d the file closed in
set is opened. The
e configured for the
neasurement of thin skin
cuum chamber but it
static subjects.
es presents problems
iques such as retro
ial can sometimes be so
age the material
o if the object is
ated) over a period of
r the targets during
membrane where
tored. Figure 8 displays
leviations and wrinkles.
Figure 10 Clear membrane and frame
Figure 7 Thin Membrane targeting and measurement
Figure 9 illustrates the setup method to overcome this problem
the cameras are mounted behind the membrane where the
projected target pattern is displayed shown in Figure 10. Figure
11 shows the measured area before and after the multi target
feature selection.
Figure 8 Surface plot of membrane surface
In addition to the problems encountered in the more
conventional photogrammetric process, other measurement and
data acquisition systems such as laser based systems have
problems with thin membrane surfaces. Some of the problems
occur with the color of the membrane, with the more difficult
to work with is a clear membrane. The projected target will
disperse through the medium, example of this can be seen in
Figure 2 around the headlamp assembly. In Figure 9, 10, a clear
thin membrane is mounted and stretched on a custom frame
mount made of clear Plexiglas.
Figure 11 Multi target tool
The software allows for various image-processing schemes for
target and edge measurement. In this case tiny solar cells were
embedded in the clear material which made auto threasholding
and measurement difficult as shown in Figure 12 on
illuminated areas. The software allows for intervention and
even allows for circle measurement options for just this case.
Figure 13 shows surface plot of clear membrane example.
Figure 9 Clear Thin Membrane