Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

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Fig. 1 ei» 9 , eg Spaces. 
The metric tensors of the two subspaces can, now, be calculated; using 
(1.7) and (1.8) we obtain. 
T i jT i T T 
& e = TA eeu, - us gU = g 
- pr Go T 
8,08 Zn 
=A S AM = 
8'"a B. 3). ia B "ji a "Bea 
aß = $8 
y qn 8 
The least square estimators for the unknown parameters and observations 
can be obtained from the orthogonal projection of the vector Ax onto 
The formulae for the different quantities, which will be used later on, 
are reviewed here, their derivations can be found in /1/, /10/. 
Dil) Tim p 
AX 58 4,4 (C Ay 9 
a . „aß ,j i 
AY, = g Az Bii Ax £1.10) 
i. Xi z36 .d i 
oe As. fo ji M. 
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