Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

The Craniofacial Research Instrumentation Laboratory (CRIL) 
at the University of California, San Francisco, has been 
investigating the application of image Processing techniques 
to the Problem of feature location and tracking on 
biostereometric images /2/. "An array camera was interfaced 
to a small computer and a System developed for image 
acquisition and analysis, and feature extraction. Previous 
Work has included the development of Procedures for array 
Camera calibration /3/. This Paper contains a report on a 
series of experiments on feature extraction and tracking 
conducted with Sequential digital X-ray images. 
There are two major categories of Points that need to be 
located and tracked on biostereometric images: discrete 
markers and "fuzzy" anatomic landmarks. The following 
discussion will be concerned Primarily with the tracking of 
anatomic features on a series of time-separated two 
dimensional Cranial X-rays. 
The CRIL physical records data base Presently contains a 
number of longitudinal data sets, Covering hundreds of 
patients who have undergone various forms of orthodontic 
treatment. Each patient's physical records include 
treatment records, study casts, and standardized Cranial x- 
rays taken at regular intervals, Some patients may have as 
many as ten films, covering up to eight Years, including 
Pre-treatment ang post-treatment X-rays. In order to study 
the physical effects of different orthodontic treatment 
Programs, a number of significant anatomic landmarks are 
identified and digitized on each film. For example, two 
standard points (sella and nasion) are chosen to define a 
frame of reference for the anatomic coordinate System. In 
addition, points defining tooth locations and orientations, 
the palatal plane, and mandibular and maxillary Structures 
are digitized. The same Series of points is located on each 
film of a patient, and the Process repeated for each patient 
in a study. Eventually, à data base of Coordinate 
information is Constructed, from which points can be 
extracted, geometric relationships among points computed, 
and biological hypotheses tested, 
The process of anatomic landmark location is complex, X-ray 
films Vary in contrast and intensity. Anatomic feature 
Shapes and sizes change from patient to patient, and vary 
within a single patient over time. The current manual 
methods draw upon the experience of the investigator to 
Overcome the Uncertainties resulting from these factors, 
Thus, the automation of the location task faces significant 
It was decided that any attempt to completely automate the 
Process would not be appropriate due to the complexities 
discussed above, Instead, the initial approach would focus 
on the point tracking Problem, and would use a human 
Operator to assist in point identification. 
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