In this case the correlation Tab.2 Reliability multiplying
coefficient has following factor kes
simple form:
dis (x0=0.1%, 882804)
p = 24 '
where E are the elements of 3.00 4.383 5 649
0.98 3.099 3.995
the cofactor matrix Qu of re- 0.97 2.530 3.262
0.96 2.191 2.826
siduals. 0.95 1.964 2.528
i eias
The sensitivity or external 0.92 1.552 1.998
0.91 1.460 1.879
reliability of two alternative 9.3 285 1-22
0.80 ; ;
hypotheses can be determined 075 los Lis
as above. 0.60 1:019 1.019
0.50 1.015 1.015
The effect of undetectable 0.40 1.010 1.010
ic Hm
model errors on the estimated g ze N }:008
unknows is determined by the 0.00 1.000 1.000
length Sols;) of the influence
| vector: d
| Rs) ; Si (Pss (Pss) 14)8,
| 43145. Oii
j 3 J S1 (Pss)115, (25)
for Eq.(19) or
$004, 55 907 TEC (26)
for Eq.(20).
In Eq. (25)
sad (27
B tU c0), )
Now, the effect of undetectable and undistingueshable model
errors can be written as *
8o(5)1j = 8o(s,)'k Pij (28)
80 (1,3) - $9 (14) o, (29)
| Because from Tab.2 it can be found that ihe separability
multiplying factor is essentially dependent on the correlation
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