Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

three are taken in such a way, that interpolated point is 
located inside triangle formed by mentioned &bove points or 
on its side. Heights are calculated according to formula: 
7A PA * ZA DA + DA DA 
Zp = 
PA. + pB + BO 
where: Zp - interpolated point 
Z pg Zpy LZ = heights of points used for interpolation 
Dial +2 * weights equal to areas of suitable 
triangles, formed by interpolated point 
Corners of square grid located within elaborated stereo- 
gram are searched and interpolation is performed only for 
these points. 
After completion of transformation and interpolation, 
digital terrain model is formed. Interpolation data for 
the whole area are divided into sections. Within section 
heights obtained for the same points from different stereo- 
gram are averaged and differences between mean value and 
particular heights are calculated.Differences greater than 
1,5* mean error of height determination indicate stereo- 
gram, for which measurements should be repeated. 
In this case,after measurement one should return to trans- 
formation and interpolation, replacing old models by new 
ones. New stereogram can be also included during such an 
additional program run. 
DTM divided into ordered sections is the final result of 
these operations.These sections can be written as follows: 
Object number, section number 
X, Xa, X/Menee reor o Xn 
Y/1/,. X/2/, Y/3/ ivan rind Rl 
2/0 hy 2/142/, 2/1, 9] eun e eu MA má 
2/2, 1/42/2016 n/a, 314 2,m/ 
2/n,1/, Z/n,2/, 2/09,3/0+0000 Z/n,m/ 
where: X/i/ -X coordinates of DTM points located on i-line 
parallel to - axis 
- 203 * 

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