Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

Ihe above examples reveal, that compared methods are equi- 
valent in accuracy. Howerer it should be mentioned, that 
presented method is much quicker, more convenient and does 
not require too many workers and photogrammetric equipment, 
It also does not require preparation of height map,neces- 
Sary in the other methods, 
4.3 Slope map elaboration 
Por each square grid mesh /DTM/ slopes along sides and 
diagonals are calculated, the highest value is chosen and 
classfied into Proper range, As a result the list is obtai- 
ned, in which line referring to one mesh comprises coordi- 
nates of square centre, symbol of slope range, denotation 
of line and slope direction, Ag graphic symbols are agsig- 
ned to slope ranges, it allows for their visualization in 
the form of Slope map. Such = map does not differ in prin- 
ciple from the contour map, while the method is much less 
labour-consuming, : 
Ihe acquired data about slopes were compiled with land use 
and soil data,giving as a result the map of erosion hazard, 
/1/ Derylo-Stepniak, J.,Kopeewicz, A., Sliwka, J.: Badanie 
doktadno$ci modeli terenu na przy- 
kYadach liczbowych, 
Prace Instytutu Geodezji i Karto- 
grafii, =z, 1, (1974), 
/27 Derylo-Stepniak, J., Kopcewicz, A.: Vykorzystanie 
numeryecznego modelu terenu do celow 
obliczania objetoéci i kosztów robot 
ziemnych na obszarze projektowanego 
obiektu przemysYowego, 
Prace Instytutu Geodezji i Karto- 
grafil, 2. 2, (1973). 
- 208 - 
Gerets EL eau =

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