Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

= comprehensive accuracy studies for combined point determination 
using strips and blocks of three line imagery 
- investigations into the possibility of first reconstructing the 
exterior orientation of the individual images in the way des- 
cribed and then using this information for stereo compilation 
in an analytical plotter 
- tests of the concept with real data for example from the MEOSS 
camera /10/ ; 
/1/ Ebner, Hs Combined Adjustment of Photogrammetric 
and Non-photogrammetric Information. 
ISPRS Congress, Rio de Janeiro 1984, 
Com. III, pp. 130 - 138. 
/2/ Ebner, H., HIFI - A Minicomputer Program Package 
Hofmann -MWel lenhof , D., for Height Interpolation by Finite Ele- 
Reiss, P.» ments . 
Steidler, F.: ISP Congress, Hamburg 1980, Com. IV, 
pp. 202 - 215. 
/3/ Fritsch, D.: photogrammetry as Tool for Detecting 
S Of Recent Crustal Movements. 
. Tectonophysics, Amsterdam 1986, 
in print 
/4/ Hofmann, 0.5 DPS - A Digital Photogrammetric System 
Nave, P., Ebner, H.: for Producing Digital Elevation Models 
(DEM) and Orthophotos by Means of Linear 
Array Scanner Imagery. 
ISPRS Inter-Congress Symposium, 
Helsinki 1982, Com. DHi,opp. ?16 - 227. 
/5/ Hofmann, 0.: Applications of the Digital Photogrammetry 
System DPS, à Rigorous Three Dimensional 
Compilation Process for Push Broom Imagery. 
ISPRS Congress, Rio de Janeiro 1984, 
Com. IV, pp. 172 - 179. 
/6/ Hofmann, 0.: Investigations of the Accuracy of the Di- 
gi tal Photogrammetry System DPS, a Rigo- 
rous Three Dimensional Compilation Process 
for Push Broom Imagery. 
ISPRS Congress, Rio de Janeiro 1984, 
Com, iV, pp. 180 - 187. 
/7/ Hofmann, 0.: The Stereo-Push-Broom Scanner System DPS 
and its Accuracy. 
ISPRS Inter-Congress Symposium, 
Rovaniemi 1986, Com. 111. 
- 221 - 

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