priori given. The search of these values and the preprocessing of the
measurements are allowed by the ITM programs package /19/, /20/; how-
ever the software compatibility between this data management and the
adjustment is not yet fully achieved, :
The solution method is performed by using two libraries of subroutines
based on graph theory and linear algebra, that have been previously
implemented. The former concerns a reordering algorithm of reverse Cut
Hill, McKee type /13/ and its application to the least squares problems
/6/, /5/; the latter concerns the algorithms necessary to calculate the
direct solution.
A comparison between direct and iterative algorithms in least Squares
problems /18/, /15/ has given good results /7/, /8/; therefore a second
version of the same program has been performed by using the iterative
Solution. A ng
All the observationsare treated as independent in the statistical
Sense and the stochastic model is assumed as given a-priori. The pro-
gram furnishes the standardized residuals, thus allowing the applica-
tion of the Baarda snooping /2/, /3/, /16/; however the sequential al-
The program CALGE is written in the language FORTRAN 77, it runs on the
computer UNIVAC 1100/90 of the CILEA, all the array variables are decla
red as virtual memory and the numerical array ones are in double preci-
This research start from the remark that the computing time for inver-
sion of sparse large matrices is much more than two times the computing
time of Cholesky factorization, while the number of operations involved
in the inversion is asymptotically about two times the number of the
operations for the factorization.
It is to be observed that the execution time for inversion is bursting
time, spoiled in making tests to find the required non-zero elements.
So a new strategy is wanted to optimize the adjustment package and to
recover the correct ratio. :
The basic formulas to compute the inverse elements are presented in
this following expression: |
adi 7
Y En kei*l "ik uj, t,
iri 2
= we L i. e .
Y d'est "uu ti te itis dui;
part A part B
The elements of the triangular Cholesky factor run only on rows: this
requires a testing procedure which cannot be.eliminated.The procedure
needs of n sequences of tests; each sequence admits, starting from
the bottom, at most two alternatives: