Figure 2 shows a detail of the construction. Observe that the length
of the curve goes to =», when the construction continues, although the
area remains bounded.
Figure 2. Detail of Koch curve.
The concept of selvsimilarity can also be generalized for random
lines, where every part of the whole is similar to the whole in a
statistical sense only. We can visualize this concept by using a ran-
dom height vector for the A instead of the constant height vector in
the construction of the Koch curve (cf. figure 3).
Figure 3. Example of a statistically selfsimilar curve - first three
steps of construction.
Formally, these concepts - both deterministic and statistical self-
similarity - can be defined using the spectrum of the curve (Frede-
riksen 1981, and Jacobi and Kubik 1982).
The spectrum S and the frequency f of a selfsimilar curve, are rela-
ted by
S prop f ? ,a constant.
Thus, on a log-log plot, the spectrum appears as a straight line with
slope -a. The slope tells about the roughness of the curve. White noise,
which encompasses similar amplitudes at all frequencies, has a spectrum
with slope 0, while a very smooth selfsimilar curve will have a steep
spectrum. For the Koch curve of Figure 2, the slope of the spectrum is
Another quantity, the variance of the differences (Z(i) - Z(i+h)), cal-
led the variogram, follows as
Var (Z(i) - Z(i+h)) prop pl