The simulation scenario is summarized in table 1. The
simulation numbers 7 to 14 are combined to all standard
deviation levels of the navigation data (PO to P5). The
simulations numbers 15 and 16 are combined to a more
detailed group of standard deviations for the observed
exterior orientations which is given in table 3. The
purpose of these additional simulations is to get a
better description of the accuracy behaviour of a bundle
block as function of the "accuracy of the navigation
Remark: The ground control cases C3 and C5 were solely
used without navigation data, for comparison with
conventional aerial triangulation.
2.3 Principle of the accuracy analysis
The simulation program first established the true
terrain coordinates X, Y, Z of all object points and the
corresponding image coordinates x, y, in relation with
the coordinates X,., Ypc* Z»c of the projectíon centres
and the camera rotations Ww, § 5K defined according
to the flight assumptions. Then for each case
observation data were simulated by a random generator,
taking the presented standard deviations into account.
The generated observations (image coordinates and
auxiliary data) were processed with the extended PAT-B
program for bundle block adjustment. The simulations
were repeated several times in each case in order to
obtain sufficient precision for the derived accuracy
parameters (see below).
All terrain points of the adjusted blocks are used as
check points (except for control points). The check
points are technically introduced into the bundle block
adjustment as ground control points with the standard
deviation infinite, 1. e. with weight zero. On the
other hand the points used as ground control got the
standard deviation zero. Thus their coordinates are
treated as error free.
The object coordinates of the check points as computed
from the joint block adjustment were directly compared
with their true values. The root mean square values p,,
B, B, of the differences between adjusted and true
coordinates represent the absolute accuracy of an
adjusted block. They are used for the accuracy analysis.
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