Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

The main observation is that even with poor accuracy of 
auxiliary data (t 10 m) very interesting results for the 
block accuracy are obtained (n, - 2-0, PM, T 3s0, ), be- 
ing directly sufficient for small scale mapping (in 
1: 60 000 photo scale 0, corresponds to 0,9 m in the 
terrain). The same accuracy could be obtained without 
auxiliary data only with bridging distances of 8 base- 
lengths (case C5/E0). With camera position accuracy of 
about 3 m the resulting accuracies of the terrain point 
coordinates X, Y, are in the order of O9. 1“ 8, equival- 
ent to very dense ground control per model. (It should 
be remarked that the measuring accuracy in height is 
equivalent to o,, ” C, J2°h/b = 2.4 00; with 6, = 15 um, 
fy, = 35 um, a rather poor value.) 
With the optimistic acceptance that all exterior 
orientation elements could be measured with high accura- 
cíes (t. 0,l m for Xp Yoo! Z»c and t 0,7 mgon for 
Q, ¢,K ) by navigation systems , one would obtain 
very high accuracy for the adjusted block with values of 
pare 0.6 * v, and p, = 0,. In this case, the block ad- 
justment reach an accuracy level, where only the photo- 
grammetric measurements determine the limit. This is 
confirmed by the theoretical limit case for error free 
navigation data (PO). 
3.2 Ground control 
A comparison of the values in table 2 referring to the 
cases © E1/C0, ° EL/C1 and E1/C2 demonstrates, that an 
additional ground control does not lead to: Any 
significant improvement of the adjusted block accuracy 
(Fig. 3). rIt-is obvious that aerial triangulation does 
not require ground control if all six exterior orient- 
ation elements are availabe as auxiliary data. (This 
conclusion might slightly be modified if drift para- 
meters are to be determined as well.) In cases where 
only the camera position coordinates or only the 
attitude parameters are observed, additional ground 
control is necessary to stabilize the block. Also the 
case CO (without ground control) is not realistic as the 
datum problem is not solved. Therefore some control 
points are required for transforming the block into the 
state coordinate system. The case Cl (4 control points) 
may represent the practical case of minimum control. 
- 275 * 

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