Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

al Wi=2T 1, e2-2111, 
ral gig 2 7 PAT 2201; aa 
Substituting the values of w;,w,. 
0, 44070 2—— LS - £2 i p - "AA 
Fy 17749 12 3 TII F( l 9 2 ) (15) 
Equation (15) represents the relationship between the dis- 
crete and continuous spectra of a two dimensional process 
(Dudgeon , 197 ) . From this relationship it can be shown 
that the continuous data can be recovered from the discrete 
data only if the surface of the continuous spectrum ap- 
proaches zero when y, and W, approach the Nyquist frequen- 
cies . 
FeCG0 9) =0 for y>T/A and y > 1/52 
It should be noticed in eqn.(15) as well as in eqn.(7) that 
x and y  &re integer variables that represent the position 
of the point rather than its distance from the two axes : 
distances are represented by A, x and A23. . 
As the results obtained in the bivariate case are the same 
as those obtained in the univariate case , the method emp- 
loyed in this paper for determining the sampling density 
of profile data can readily be used to determine the two 
dimensional sampling density for rectangular grid  DEMs. 
Synthetic data are used to represent different types of 
terrain profiles . For each terrain type different sampling 
intervals are used , and in each case the discrete Spectrum 
for the range 0 < w <T is computed . Elevations are 
generated in profiles using trigonometric polynomials of 
sine and cosine terms . In order to obtain an unbiased es- 
timate of the discrete spectrum , a large number of data 
points must be used . In the present investigation 100 
elevations are used for each profile . This number of points 
is considered suitable in normal cases of DEM processing 
because sampling density may differ from one set of points 
to the other. 
The algorithm used in this investigation does not employ 
& Fast Fourier Transform program , instead , two matrices 
of sines and cosines were computed and stored for use as 
data for the computation of the spectrum . In this way 
the loops of the algorithm include only multiplications 
and additions , which saves considerable computational 
time . However , fast Fourier transforms should be used 
in practice for much more efficiency and speed. 

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