Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

ing roughness factors (15). 
b) Except for program SPECTRA, differences (6), (9) and (12) are 
increasing in absolute values with decreasing R.F.'s (15). 
C) Differences from the mean sampling interval (3), (6), (9) 
and (12) are within * 3 m for profiles of higher R.F.'s 
(R.F. 22.3) 
d) RMS's of percent differences are all less than 33%. 
e) RF computed the most conservative sampling intervals, while 
LINEAR computed the most optimistic ones. See means of 
percent differences. 
f) Percent differences are within + 50%. 
4.2 Short profiles 
These profiles are arranged in decreasing order of R.F.'s (see Table 
2). It can be noted that: 
a) Differences from the mean sampling interval (3), (6), (9) 
and (12) are within + m for profiles of higher R.F.'s 
b) RMS's of percent differences are all less than 35%. 
c) RF computed the most conservative sampling intervals, while 
LINEAR computed the most optimistic ones. See means of 
percent differences. 
d) LOGKV was the only program with percent differences (7) 
within +42% 
4.3 Profiles of varying sample spacings 
4.3.1 Raymond profiles 
Computed sampling intervals of 6 and 9 m profiles were compared with 
the mean sampling intervals of the original long profiles (see Table 
3). It can be noted that: 
a) Only program SPECTRA has a definite increasing trend of 
percent differences with increasing sample spacings. 
b) RMS's of percent differences are all less than 43%. 
c) RF computed the most conservative sampling intervals, while 
SPECTRA computed the most optimistic ones. See means of 
percent differences. 
d) Only program SPECTRA has percent differences less than 33%. 
4.3.2 Crowsnest Pass profiles 
Computed sampling intervals of 8, 12, 16 and 20 m profiles were 
compared with the mean sampling intervals of the original long 
profiles (see Table 4). It can be noted that: 
a) All programs have increasing trends of percent differences 
with increasing sample spacings. 
b) Only program LOGKV has RMS less than 40%. 
c) LOGKV computed the most conservative sampling intervals, 
while SPECTRA computed the most optimistic ones. See means 
of percent differences. 
d) All programs have percent differences exceeding +507. 
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