Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

5.1 Procedures 
5.1.1 Raymond stereomodel 
To validate the observations made previously, model 2153 (see figure 
1) was sampled three times at grid intervals of 20, 51 and 62 m. 
Breaklines, hilltops and depressions were also measured. From each 
grid sampling combined with breaklines, hilltops and depressions, 
contour lines at 0.5 m interval were interpolated and plotted at 1:1 
000 scale. Each contour plot was tested for accuracy by spot 
heighting intersections of a drawn profile with the contour lines 
using an analytical stereoplotter. 
5.1.2 Crowsnest Pass stereomodel 
This model was sampled twice at grid intervals of 7. and 12 m. 
Breaklines, hilltops and depressions were also measured. From each 
grid sampling combined with breaklines, hilltops and depressions, 
contour lines at 1.0 m interval were interpolated and plotted at 
1:3 000 scale. Each contour plot was tested for accuracy as with the 
5.2 Results and Discussion 
The accuracy of the discrepancies of contour lines may be estimated as 
follows /1/: 
2 2 re of Soin 2 
9 disc e e spec S AT g setup * a samp 
For the Raymond stereomodel, 
2 1/2 
2 2 2 
Saige ^ (0.15 + 0.07 + 0.03 + 0.03 ) 
s0.17 m 
For the Crowsnest Pass stereomodel, 
2 1/2 
2 2 2 
Cis ^ (0.31 - + 0.12 t 0.05 + 0.05) 
a 0.34 m 
From the RMS's of discrepancies of contour elevations, it is evident 
that they all meet the required accuracies (see Table 5). From these, 
it was concluded that the true optimum grid sampling interval for the 
Raymond stereomodel was 62m, and for the Crowsnest Pass stereomodel 
was 12m. Based upon these conclusions, sample profiles that were 
representative of each model's roughness were identified. The range of 
computed sampling intervals for each profile should include 62 or 12m 
as the case may be. Differences of computed sampling intervals from 
the true intervals were computed and summarized in tables 6 and 7. 
Differences from 12m are within + 3m for long and rough profile 7 (see 
Table 7). For long profiles, RF is the most conservative, while 
-. 45% 

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