Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

Table 2 Short Profiles 
Prof|Int|Diff| Z |Int|Diff| Z |IntlDiffil Z Int | Diff Y (m) (Z) 
(1) 1(2)| (2 1092|062| (9| 02|()| (9| 00)| 2)| 2)| 3)| 04)] (15) 
9-4 6 0 0 6 0 0 8 2 33 4 -2 |-33 6 121.1 
7-1 6} -2 |-25 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 2 25 8 l11.3 
7-4| 12| -2 |-14| 14 0 0l 23 9 64 8 -6 |-43 14 |10.9 
9-1i 12 4 50 7 -1|-12 8 0 0 7 -l |-12 8 110.1 
9-31 20 6 43]. 11 -3|-21| 20 6 43 7 -7 |-50 14 8.8 
7-2] 12] -3 ]-20] 15 0 0] 20 5 33 13 -2 |-13 15 8.6 
71-11 12 2 20 9 -1l-10l. 12 2 20 9 -l |-10 10 7.6 
7—3Í. 12 0 0}. 12 0 0l 15 3 25 7 -5 |-42 12 7.2 
71 13 0 0; 13 0 0] 14 1 8 11 -2 |-15 13 5.8 
71-2] 17] -1 -6] 21 31. 17]. .22 4 22 14 -4 |-22 18 4.3 
152-1| 11 3 38 6 -2|-25 8 0 0 7 -1 1-12 8 4.0 
9-2] 20 6 43; 12 -2|-14] 12] -2 ]-14 12 -2 |-14 14 3.9 
1521] 16 3 231 12 -lil- 8| 16 3 23 7 -6 |-46 13 2.6 
154-1] 21 8 62] 12 -11- 8: 13 0 0 7 -6 |-46 13 2.0 
1541| 27 9 501 15 =31-171 18 0 0 10 -8 | -44 18 1.5 
154-2] 48| 12 33.35 -2]- 6] 32] -4 |-11 29 -7 1-19 36 1.1 
155-11 48 6 14) 42 0 OF 59 17 40 18 |-24 |-57 42 1.0 
155-2| 96|-13 |-121138 290 271110 1 1 92 |-17 |-16 1109 0.9 
153-1| 96| 24 33| 51| -21|-29]|111| 39 54 30 |-42 | -58 72 0.8 
153-2| 64|-12 |-16]|108 32) 42] 84 8 10 46 |-30 |-40 76 0.8 
152-2] 96| 24 331 70 -21—- 31 83]: 11 15 38 |-34 |-47 72 0.7 
1531| 55|- 9 |-14| 54| -10|-16| 98| 34 33 48 |-16 |-25 64 0.7 
RMS 30 16 29 35 
Mean 15 -4 19 -29 
(1) Profile identifier 
(2), (5), (8), (11) Computed sampling intervals (m) 
(14) Mean sampling interval 
(3), (6), (9), (12) Differences from the mean 
(4), (7), (10), (13) Percent differences with respect to mean 
(15) Roughness factor 
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