Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

Now, by applying an S-transformation on those four unit vectors to the 
 S-base of points ! and 2, one obtains the four c-vectors, which can be 
used, when calculating the boundary values of the x- and y-coordinates 
of those points, when acting as base-points. 
Furthermore Baarda [1] and Van Mierlo [4] showed that the S-transform- 
ation matrix for all transformations to the same S-base is equal for 
all those transformations. ; 
As this transformation matrix only depends on (rather good) approximate 
values of the x- and y-coordinates of all points of the network (which 
are available from the first phase of the adjustment), t is practically 
always possible to obtain this matrix and thus to calculate the needed 
c-vectors and the accessory boundary values. 
So it is not necessary to carry out the whole adjustment on another 
3.1 Three different block configurations were taken in consideration 
a. a regular block consisting of 7 strips with 14 models per strip 
which covers a square area of about 8 by 8 kilometers 
b. a regular block consisting of 5 strips with 20 models per strip 
which covers a right-angled area of 5.7 by 11.4 kilometers 
c. a more or less irregular block which was created by omitting a 
number of models from a regular block of 7 strips and 20 models per 
More experiments were carried out 
with 6 single tie-points per . e 
model divided as shown in fig. I. 
In the one case with 4 tie-points 
only the corner points were used. 
In the cases that 6 tie-points : 3 
were used this meant that for the 
three blocks the x- and y-co- 
ordinates of 225, 231 and 241 e o 
points resp. had to be calculated. 
figure ! 
3.2 Values of block parameters 
A number of block parameters are equal for all experiments and are 
listed below 
photosize: 23 x 23 cm 
principle distance: 150 mm 
photoscale: 1:6200 (common for cadastral work in the Netherlands) 
model scale: 1:3200 
forward overlap: 607 
side lap: 207 
The a priori v.c. matrix of the model coordinates: 

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