Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

Since the beginning of the 1970's the development of data 
acquisition and data processing equipment in both photogram- 
metry and remote sensing has been very strong. This has 
considerably influenced the activities of Commission III 
"Mathematical Analysis of Data". Today there are a lot of 
challenging topics for research in the area of data analysis 
The resolutions made in the Rio Congress for guiding the 
activities of Commission III during the present intercongress 
period refer to the stochastic behavior of photographs, on- 
line photogrammetric triangulation, digital terrain model, 
combined point determination and its quality assessment, and 
digital image processing. The resolutions clearly reflect 
the course of development and current trends in the data 
analysis of photogrammetry and remote sensing. The program 
created on the basis of the resolutions is to a considerable 
degree a continuation of the program followed during the 
previous period 1980 - 1984. Even some earlier working 
groups, but with different chairmen and naturally a reformu- 
lated program, have been re-established. 
The theme of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" 
corresponds quite well with the research area of the working 
groups. Great interest is taken in the work of Commission 
III, if the number of papers submitted is to serve as a 
measure. Altogether 59 papers were submitted to us in time 
for printing. It is appr. 10 papers more than for the Sym- 
posium in 1982. The high number of papers means that the 
proceedings will contain many excellent papers not orally 
presented in the Symposium because of the lack of time. The 
articles are reproduced, as received from the authors, in 
alphabetical order. The addresses of the authors, as given 
in the abstract forms, are at the end of the publication. 
On behalf of the editorial board, I should like to thank the 
many authors and their typists. Further, I want to express 
my gratitude to all who contributed in one way or another to 
the accomplishment of this publication. 
n A 
Einari Kilpelä 

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