Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

Box and Jenkins /4/ consider the noise process to be an 
additional moving average process whereas Förstner /6/ 
applies Wiener filter technique to obtain estimates for the 
process x(t). For applying the Wiener filter technique the 
variances of the innovation process 0.2 and of the 
observation process a, * must be known. To determine these 
variances Fórstner /6/ uses variance component estimation 
Our investigations on terrain profiles presented in chapter 
6 do not take into account additional observation errors. 
Hence the estimates refer actually to the combined process 
y(t). This is permissible as long as x(t). > n(t). 
8. Conclusions 
The presented concept introduces ARIMA processes for model- 
ling digital terrain profiles. From a theoretical point of 
view, the generality of the approach with his various rela- 
tions to other concepts is of main interest. These instruc- 
tive relations present our concept to be open to further 
developments. Hence ARIMA processes may be considered to be 
a superior model to review other concepts for modelling 
terrain. The extension to twodimensional processes for 
modelling terrain is possible. Image analysis techniques 
are already applying such processes. 
Experiments have confirmed, that ARIMA processes are suited 
for modelling digital terrain profiles. Main advantages are 
high accuracy - as demonstrated by the statistical proper- 
ties of the prediction errors - and parsimonity “4% only a 
few parameters are required. Complications resulting from 
the necessity of the determination of the process order for 
different terrain types can practically be avoided by 
selecting processes of a general, high order (s 6). 
9. References 
/1/ Ackermann, F.: The accuracy of digital height models, 
Proceedings of the 37th Photogrammetric Week, 
Stuttgart, 1980 
/2/ » Akaike,:H.: Maximum likelihood identification of 
Gaussian ARMA models, Biometrika 60,2, pp. 255 - 
265, 1973 
/3/ Akaike, H.: A new look at the statistical model iden- 
tification, IEEE Trans. AC-19, pp. 716. - 723, 1974 
^/ Box, Q.E.P.; Jenkins, G.M.: Time Series Analysis: 
Forecasting and Control, Holden-Day, San 
Francisco, 1976 
/5/ Burg, J. P.: A new analysis technique for time series 
data, Adv. Study Inst. Sign.Proc., Enschede, 1968 
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AAN 5 

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