Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

TABLE 2.3.1 Correct photocoordinates of points of the first 
POINT x (mm) y (mm) x (mm) y (mm) 
101 1.935 88.238 - 88.731 91.047 
102 92.671 86.897 2.347 90.556 
109 47.237 42.510 - 43.670 45.446 
117%% 88.166 + 3.821 1.800 - 0.568 
124 46.660 - 49.692 - 44.293 - 46.124 
131 - 0.009 - 77.276 - 72.068 - 73.541 
132 67.628 - 71.160 1.407 - 67.409 
167* 47.556 87.806 - 43.355 91.096 
169 41.511 - 85.590 - 39.252 - 81.466 
* Point to which it is introduced 50um of error in x and y 
coordinates of photo L, for the test of table 2.3.3. 
**Point to which il will be, itentionally, introduced 100mm in 
x coordinate of photo L, for the test of Table 2.3.4 
TABLE 2.3.2 Correct photocoordinates of points of the second 
POINT x (mm) y (mm) x (mm) y (mm) 
102 2.347 90.556 - 86.613 88.489 
103 96.368 91.861 4.011 89.253 
110 44.693 41.814 - 39.805 40.339 
111 112.863 35.731 39.116 33.706 
117 1.800 - 0.568 - 84.369 - 1.183 
118 90.800 - 1.101 2.665 - 2.488 
125 39.682 - 38.884 - 36.686 - 39.843 
132 1.407 - 67.409 - 65.790 - 68.168 
133 90.431 - 89.288 1.358 = 90.749 
The photocoordinates of points belonging to model 1 are given in 
Table 2.3.1 and the photocoordinates of points of model 2 are 
presented in Table 2.3.2. 
Table 2.3.3 shows the results of the application of the proposed 
technique, to the data of table 2.3.1, after introducing a 50mm 
gross error to the x, y coordinate of left photo. In this case no 
residuals for the x component are obtained. They are absorbed by the 
Z parameter of model. (for the first model, scale is arbitrarely 
introduced by bx). The difference of residuals gives better evidence 
of the presence of gross error in a certain y component, 
particularly because its sign is the oposit of most of the others. 
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