Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

Otto Hofmann 
Messerschmitt-Boelkow-Blohm GmbH, Dept. ZTA 2 
FRG, 8000 Muenchen 80, P.B. 801149, Phone 089-60002030 
Messerschmitt-Boelkow-Blohm (MBB) developed a new concept for a digi- 
tal stereo-scanner with three line sensor arrays working on the push- 
broom principle and a suitable, rigorous compilation process. 
It delivers the orientation data of the camera in selectable update 
points along the flight path of aircraft, spacecraft, or missiles, the 
three-dimensional coordinates of the digital elevation model (DEM), 
ortho- and stereo-orthophotos, digital elements for line maps and 
rectified multispectral images. 
The accuracy of the results is influenced by the focal length and the 
sensor configuration of the camera, the flight altitude, the length 
and width of the strip, the movements of the carrier, the arrangements 
of the DEM-points, control points for absolute orientation and the 
intervals between the camera update points. 
By computer simulated models the influence of all these parameters have 
been tested and the main results are presented. 
In the past years the opto-electronic scan technology, known under the 
name "push-broom principle", has made remarkable progress and is ap- 
plied and involved in present and future programs, for example in the 
German space camera MOMS (Modular Opto-electronic Multispectral Scan- 
' ner) and the French SPOT-program. The MOMS has been carried twice into 
the orbit by the space shuttle "Challenger" in 1983 and 1984. 
The outstanding features of this technology are known, they are founded 
on the immediate conversion of radiation into electric signals and 
yield among other important advantages instantaneous and unlimited 
data transmission, direct digital image processing and precise measure- 
ment of radiation in a wide spectral band. 
These advantages have to be traded off against a severe disadvantage 
that becomes apparent particularly in the production of maps: the loss 
of geometrically exact stereocompilation as a consequence of the loss 
of the central-perspective geometry. The push-broom principle forms the 
image strip in a dynamic mode line by line and each image cycle has 
its own set of orientation parameters, influenced by the movements of 
the camera carrier. Therefore the reproduced image strip is distorted 
and up to now no really practicable process for rectification was 
known. MBB solved this problem by a purely analytical photogrammetric 
process. Solely image data are used, external measurements or aids are 
not necessary. The whole hard- and software equipment to be developed 
is called "Digital Photogrammetry System, DPS". 
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