Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

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N dic, 
N dir 
Cross Section 
/ y | y x 
A B C 
| | 
| | 
Image plane | | 
| | 
bh — 
A B c A B c A | c 
a. b. c 
Figure 4. Focal plane arrangement of the CCD-sensors 
This arrangement affords a stable and accurate compilation of the strip 
model in any cases. This solution has been found by theoretical con- 
siderations and was experimentally confirmed by computer simulation. 
The compilation process for the reconstruction of the model now con- 
sists of two main steps: 
2.2 Correlation 
By area correlation homologous image points in the three image strips 
A.» B.» C. are determined. By interest operators suitable image points 
are selected in the middle strip B, and their corresponding points are 
determined in the outer strips A. and C. (Fig. 5). The results of this 
correlation process are the line numbers N and the pixel numbers m 
respectively their image coordinates x and y (see Fig. 3). 
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