Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

Table 4. A comparison of interpolation methods 
refined program (1) | refined program (2) 
maximum mean value maximum mean value 
* ¥* % * ** * * * *3€ 
5.64 | 0.84 2.55 | 0.66 6.82 0.88 2.80 | 0.75 
Table 5. Results of a posteriori compensation by using 
practical materials (units- m) 
| | Bystematic refined | refined 
name of versieny errors unchan- program (1) program (2). 
test | of adj4 gable - | | 
field ; EE Os Am %H cofjsesls? EH al | %H 3, L| o2 3^ ig" | %H 
sin&le |5.4io.ohr.oloz. a5 .elo. 128 13.4] 7.0132.727.0/12.6] 0.15713.4 8.732.928. 6]11.alo. 148 
Enping => : » C 
ouble [|:6.616. ia3.731.6]18. 70.209 [16.5 3.830. 1/28.7/13.3) 0.138]18.7] 8.129.927. 4/11.900. 149 
HORDORF | double | 7.d 7.4 8.2;16.8/15.6'0. 194 | 7. 8.7 8.1:8.8j12.4 9.184 7. 8.7 8.1117.2j12. do. 154 
Table 6. Statistical table of benefit of a posteriori 
compensation by practical materials 
name of versions| refined program (1) refined program (2) 
test fld| of adj.—— — ES 7 — ——— 
] 221/28, dor/005| 02/5; | 03/7, 701/308] 720/07] 25/25 | 2í/c* 
Enping singled vo | 1.38 | 1.18 1.25 1.01 1.63 | 1.19 1.34 
double | 101 | 1.87 | ns] im] ow), er va 
HORDORF double loo | 1.10 | Loo | 1.28 1.00 | 1.10 aT 1.28 | 
AE Li Dezen: Compensation of Systematic Errors in Block 
Sdjustment of Photogrammetry. 
of Surveying and Mapping.1981. 
Information of Wuhan College 
[24 Schilcher,M,: Empirische Analyse und Korrektur Systema- 
tisher Modellfehler Beim Oeepe-Versuch Oberschwaben. In- 
stitut fur Photogrammetrie Stuttgart, 1976,1 
/53L Wang Zhizuo: Principles of Photogrammetry. Publication. 
House of Surveying and Mapping,1979 
/4. 3G. Masson D'Autume: Le Traitment des Erreurs Systematiques 
dans L'Aerotriangulation. ISP Comm. III, Ottawa,1972 
{5% Jacobson,K.: Attempt at Obtaining the Best Possible Accuracy 
in Bundle Block Adjustment. Pres 
Congress, Hamburg, 1980 
. Paper of Comm. III 
~ 502" 
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