Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

in the image xd, Ya 2s well as the partial derivations Lae 
to fg are calculated by using tne transformation parame- 
ters contained in (2.1). 
An AP operates according to the described algorithm as follows: 
The model is subdivided into spatial segments. For each seg- 
nent the centre coordinates Po, the appertaining image co- 
ordinates Pe ‚and. the appertaining values of the partial 
differentials and of the remainder terms are stored. Each 
tine when passing from one segment to a neighbouring segment 
the entire parameter set is changed (Fig. 2.1). 
35 ct «+ 
3.1 Derivation of the partial differentials 
The fundamental relationships of analytical photozrammetry 
between image coordinates x', y! and model coordinates X4 UJ. 
are for the left image 
x E X a4 
y! = 1/N . A 4 yy (3.4%) 
-C ge ZA > 
From these follow the two well-known collinearity equations. 
Expanding them according to (2.2) we obtain 
x x! dx n | c 0 se 
x 1 e - 
ai. Fed dy | + with F, = = = wit] 
y' yg dz Ry! e [O3 € uM 
{ = es oth J: aa Da CU m ag (3.2) 
3.2 Derivation and discussion of the remainder terns 
According to the possibilities shown in Section 2. the calcu- 
lation of the remainder  Serms: is first accomplished by 
inversion of (2.2). 
Ro sx'-x»€d4, Rs y! Rye dy (3.5) 
For the renainder terms in matrix notation one obtains 
Red! d dx! 
X 4 
si. ME. (3.6) 
Ry) Cord dy" 
with ad = agy'dkx + azydy + azı-dz. 
The comparison of (3.6) with the remainder terms according 
to (2.3) leads to the relationship 
Taylor (= 0) 
B. ne 
" ect Y Th a (3.7) 
Taylor = ( 
Ry $, «4$ Ryr 
in an aerial photo pair height differences of + 15% of the 
505 + 

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