Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

of the united model construction can also be solved in the same manner 
(See Figs.-7a, 7b, 7c, and 7d). 
3.2 Self calibration problem with four pictures for the usual case 
In this paragraph, the self calibration problem with four overlapped photo- 
graphs will be discussed for the usual case in close-range photogrammetry, 
where a picture has nine independent orientation parameters (the six exter- 
ior and three interior). Further, only functional constraints regarding 
the interior orientation of the system are introduced, because such con- 
straints are used more often in the practical self calibration of non-met- 
ric cameras. Under the assumption that the first and second pictures were 
taken with a non-metric camera, and the third and fourth photographs by means 
of another non-metric camera, the functional constraints may be formulated 
as follows 
Sy 65,9, 720,450, 6-07 B, * 8,20 
= Jz Yu ^ gs CT.» 
*H3 7 He’ Yus ^ Yg4* Cs C4 
Fig.-8: The self calibration problem with four overlapped pictures for the usual case under functional con- 
straints regarding the interior orientation. N(9) denotes a non-metric camera having nine orienta- 
tion parameters. 
- 5560:

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