Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

I am very grateful to the Swedish Board for Technical Development for 
their financial support. I also want to thank those of the Departement 
of Photogrammetry at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm 
(KTH), who in one way or another have made contributions to this pro- 
ject and the Physics IV Department of KTH and Prof Nils Aslund and 
co-workers for making their equipment, especially the OSIRIS-digitizer, 
available to me. 
Ebner H. et. al. 1980. HIFI A Minicomputer Program Package for Height 
Interpolation by Finite Elements. International Archives of Photo- 
grammetry, pp 202-215, Vol XXIII Com IV, Hamburg. 
Fórstner W. 1982. On the Geometric Precision of Digital Correlation. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol XXIV Com II, pp 
176-189, Helsingfors. 
Forstner W. 1984. Quality Assessment of Object Location and Point 
Transfer using Digital Image Correlation Techniques. International 
Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol XXV Com III, pp 197-220, Rio de 
Gruen A. W. 1985. Adaptive Least Squares Correlation - A Powerful Image 
Matching Technique. The ACSM-ASP Convention, Washington D.C. 
Pertl A. 1984. Digital Image Correlation with the analytical Plotter 
Planicomp C100. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol XXV 
Com III, pp 874-882, Rio de Janeiro. 
Pertl A. 1985. Digital Image Correlation with an Analytical Plotter. 
Photogrammetria, 40, pp 9-19, Amsterdam. 
Pope J. A. 1976. The Statistics of Residuals and the Detection of Out- 
liers. NOAA Technical Report, NOS 65 NGS 1, Rockville, Md. 
Rosenholm D. 1985a. Digital Matching of Simulated SPOT-images. Foto- 
grammetriska Meddelanden 2:50. Department of Photogrammetry, Royal 
Institute of Technology, Stocholm. 
Rosenholm D. 1985b. Digital Matching of Simulated SPOT-images. Procee- 
dings of the First Scandinavian Research Conference on Geographical 
Information Systems, LinkOping, Sweden. 
Rosenholm D. 1986. Accuracy Improvement of Digital Matching. Fotogram- 
metriska Meddelanden 2:52. Department of Photogrammetry, Royal Ins- 
titute of Technology, Stocholm. 
Torlegárd K. 1981. Accuracy Improvement in Close Range Photogrammetry. 
Schriftenreheihe HSBW, Wissenschaftlicher Studiengang Vermessungswe- 
sen, Hochschule der Bundeswehr, Miinchen. 
Aslund N. et al. 1980. Isis and Osiris, some Experiences of a software 
Package and an Image Scanner Designed for Interactive Image Analy- 
sis". Proceedings of the First Scandinavian Conference on Image Ana- 
lysis, Linkoping. 
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