Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

A way to improve the situation would be to supply the user 
with a mechanism to reuse the abstract data tapes. 
5.1 Object-oriented programming 
Booch has concluded in his work (1985) about object- 
oriented development that reusable software components tend 
to be objects or. classes of objects. According to Booch, an 
object is an entity that 
- has state 
- is characterized by the actions that it suffers and 
that it requires of other objects 
- is an instance of some (possibly anonymous) olass 
—- is denoted by name 
- has restricted visibility of and by other objects 
- may be viewed either by its specification or by its 
If we apply the object-oriented programming paradigm to the 
matrix example, a matrix can be considered to be an object. 
From the implementation point of view, the definition part 
of an ADA package declares the visible part of an object or 
an object class. Then, the actual implementation is hidden 
in the body of the package. 
What does a user benefit from the object-oriented approach? 
One of the biggest advantages is that the definition part 
defines the data types as well as the operations. Compared 
to a FORTRAN approach, much less documentation is required. 
In addition, the linking mechanism of an ADA environment 
ensures that all the types and procedure calls are 
consistent. Thus, the main burden of testing is  transfered 
from run time testing to compilation and linking phase. 
6.1 Data bases 
Data bases have been used in photogrammetry for some time. 
The purpose has been to store pertinent data for a longer 
time, not only for the time a program is running. Magnetic 
disks are used as storage media almost exclusively. 
On an abtract level, data base is a collection of data plus 
a well defined interface for dealing with the data: 
retrieve, insert, delete and update it. When the usual 
assumptions of long life time and storage on permanent mass 
storage device are left out, data base concept can be used 
as a squeleton for a programming paradigm. In the 
following, the use of data base concept in photogrammetric 
systems is studied, starting from the most global level. 
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