Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

Zhang Zuxun, Zhang Jianging 
Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping 
Wuhan, P. R. China 
During past five years an attempt has been made to develop a Soft- 
ware package for Digital Automatic Mapping System (SODAMS) at Wuhan 
Technical University of Surveying and Mapping. With the SODAMS, an 
off-line digital correlation mapping system on NOVA 5 mini-computer, 
digital elevation models and orthophotos with contour lines can be 
produced by using the digitized image from a drum scanner--SCANDIG 3 
The main components of SUDAMS, such as orientation procedures of 
digitized image, resampling along epipolar lines, matching of dig— 
ital images, detecting gross error, generation of DEM, contouring 
and digital rectification etc., und their distinguishing features 
are briefly discussed in this paper. 
Four models of good quality image and moderate relief have been pro- 
cessed. The kMS Z in terms of 1/1000 of the flying height has been 
found to be 0.25. An experiment of Ürthopuiotoproduction with Wild 
UR 1 drived by the data resulted from SODAMS has also successfully 
been performed. 
It was first proposed by Prof. Wang at Wuhan Technical University 
of Surveying and Mapping in 1978 to develop a "Digital Automatic 
Mapping System" capable of producing an Orthophoto superposed by 
contour lines and a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from a pair of 
digitized images.Since establishing the Digital Mapping Laboratory 
in 1981 in the Department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, a 
Software package for Digital Automatic Mapping System (SODAMS) has 
been develeped in conjuction with following hardware configuration: 
--SCANDIG 3 is a drum scanner for digitizing photograph with 
different sampling interval and scanning sport size of 0.025 mm, 
0.050 mm, 0.100 mm or 0.200 mm. The maximum range of gray-level in 
digitized image is fixed in 0--255 (8bit). 
-FILNMWRITER 2 is a digital image output device used to print 
out orthopnoto with contour lines or any type of processed images 
on pnotopaper. All operation of Filmwriter 2, such as puting the 
puotopaper onto 4 drum from a paper-roll, scanning exposure and 
plioto-processing are controled by computer and automatically 
- 672i 

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