Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

For standard adjustment purposes GEOSCAN contains built in default option files. 
Figure 5 shows an example of a CSCAN menu. 
** MENU ** 
Do you want to design or to adjust a network 7 
1. design 
2. adjust 
Your choice : 2 
Figure 5: Example of a CSCAN menu 
It is throughout possible for files created with ASCAN, BSCAN and CSCAN to 
contain errors. These errors can be divided into: 
- blunders; 
- gross errors; 
- small errors. 
Blunders are those errors which make a least squares calculation impossible due to 
singularities in the network. Module DSCAN detects these blunders and lets the 
user interactively correct for them. Figure 6 shows one of these error-messages. 
** ERROR ** From station 238 you have entered only one 
Press «RETURN» 
Figure 6: Example of a configuration error 
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