Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

Applications of this method and the Danish Method have been documented 
in Last and Kubik (1981), Borre et al (1981), Borre et al (1983), and 
Jorgensen and Kubik (1983). 
It will salisfy many readers, that this paper imbeds robust estimntion 
methods in the classical (truncated) least squares elimination theory. We 
should consider, however, that this is only one of many possible 
interpretations, and work should continue on various different lines, in 
particular trying to establish proper confidence limits for the estimator. 
/1/ Andrews et al.: Robust Estimates of Location. 
Princeton University Press, (1972). 
/2/ Barrodale, I. and Young, A.: Algorithms for Best L1 and Lo Linear 
Approximations on a Discrete Set. 
Num. Mathematik, (1966) 8 pp. 295-306. 
/3/ Borre, K., Remmer, O., and , A Note on the Estimation of Non Lineard 
Kubik, K.: Vertical Crustal Movements. 
International Congress of FIG; Montreux, 
Switzerland (1981). 
/4/ Borre, K., Jorgensen, P. and Robust Adjustment of the Danish Funda- 
Kubik, K.: mental Triangulation Network. 
Scientific Bulletin of the Krakov Univer- 
sity for Mining and Metallurgy, Krakov 
/5/ Hampel, F. R.: The Influence Curve and its Nole in 
Robust Estimation. 
J. of the American Sta. Ass. (1974). 
/6/ Kubik, K.: The Estimation of the Weights of Measured 
Quantities within the Method of Least 
Bulletin Géodesique (1979) 95; p. 21-40. 
/7T/ Kubik, K.: An Error Theory for the Danish Method. 
Proceedings Int. Symposium on Numerical 
Methods for  Photogrammetric Mapping, 
Helsinki, June (1982). 
/8/ Last, J. and Kubik K.: Compact Gravity Inversion. 
Proceedings 43rd Annual Meeting of the 
Europe Ass. Exploration Geophysics, 
Venice, (1981), and Geophysics, Jan. 1983. 
/9/ Wilks, S.S.: Mathematical Statiscs. 
John Wiley & Sons, (1962). 
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