Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

Vi WV 
Table 1 
Grey values of target patch 
76 105 120 107 109 
92 106 118 128 105 
118 98 113 100 117 
103 | 108 96 109 94 
104 | 108 102 91 1 
107 | 106 114 | 90 ad 
63 | $0 | 105 | 07 | 116 
88 | 107 | 104 | 91 | 83 
82 | 96 | 107 | 96 ‘vus eur a t 
80 | $2 | 99 | 13 | 97 
93 | 96 | 81 | 107 120 
Table 2 Grey values of search area 
89 71 93 | 100 94 80 85 92 105 74 87 
04 89 78 101 97 96 | 107 97 105 93 . 64 
100 108 86 77 94 91 83 97 99 110 80 
94 84 92 r. 85 80 84 101 82 91 90 91 
106 90 90 89 74 86 75 85 96 105 101 
90 98 84 96 101 76 81 81 76 78 111 
88 86 82 91 85 90 lude 104 - 80 83 
86 74 81 92 91 77 73 76 70. 92 83 
66 66 76 78 89 93 98 80 103 81 81 
81 70 68 65 72 86 90 89 7% | «7 85 
73 76 84 79 77 71 90 90 100 85 86 
Table 3 Matching results 
€ 0 | 2 3 4 5 | 6 
E r 0. 01 0.47 0.44 0.45 0.32 0.22 | - 0.09 
7B 042 864 2883 2589 2657 2044 1565 | - $01 
EE Py 857 473 484 425 584 En + ut 195 
epipolar line. The correcte X parallaxes are preseted in the 
first colum. In order to test the capability in detecting 
mistakes, the approximation (second colum) is intentionally 
given with 32 pixels displacement from the correcte position, 
then matching trails is made within a wrong range of T=-24 to 
+24. The parallaxes obtained from matching algorithms (534 (L) 
- L23 - 

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