Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

Table 6 The hirachical structure 
Channel | Pixel Size | wm Target Size(pel)Search Area(pel 
No. xc : x x y x y 
1 1600 100 5 | I 11 H 
2 800 100 5 11 11 11 
3 400 100 5 il 11 11 
4 200 100 5 11 11 1 
5 100 100 1 | 5 17 5 
6 50 100 11 | 5 17 5 
Table 7 Matching results 
Parallax in pixel ( 20 mm ) 
P.lo.| #7 282 210 20 225.3224 029 Wo llaaiga® — EA Q0) 000 S 002 
“Ii 6 5 - us 5 TS 
Ch, 5. 6+ 01 202.000 «30 3. 58 EEE BO EL AG 
- | . b ^ = » e = > -— À 
Ch. Gi 63 65 02. 6h. 28:8. .57.. 58.44.86 ACH: 880 5090080 N 63 
P.No.1 33 34 35 36 a7 38 30 40 21 12 14 44 13 46 47 48 
CH. Sl ei 1648 un^ 2e Ty 15° 79 "woo à C SC 341 817 SI RE M 
Ch. 6| 64 2:66 U€08 110 4720574 4 76% Ta Var sae 45 — wu-—80 332 -—9 
P.No,1 49. .:50.51...82. 53. 15401 155 5600 S75: (385.050 089) 1000002. 163 1 9 
Che 5481 «80: 90 285 172 047294. 895068 10970068 ME) 160 60: 48 47 
Cli, 6| 90 80.177. 4 75.5472 72.24 70. 88 065 0100002: 00 574. $2 08 
channel is started from the approximate position obtained 
from the lower channel. The pixel size and pixel numbers in 
target patch and search area in every channel are listed in 
Table 6. Both the algorithm (27) and (28) have been carried 
out and the results are almost same. Table 7 shows the match- 
ing results of a profile using algorithm (27). The parallax 
figures with a bar below indicate that point has been rejec- 
ted by the dual criterion and value written above the bar 
is interpolated from nearest success points, It will be OD- 
servedthat some defeats at lower channel or previous profile 
may be retrieved at the next channel or profile, because of 
introducing the proper approximate parallaxes by interpola- 
tions. Otherwise, if the failed points had not been rejected, 
the next correlation would be led astray. Based on the advan- 
tage of autmatic rejecting defeats, it is no necessary to 
carry out correlation computation through all the 6 channels 
in case of continuou terrain relief. In this testing window 
computation are limited within channel 5 and 6, exept the 
first profile. Fig. 7 shows the parallax contours resulted 
from criterion (27). In order to verify the reliability of 
such algorithm, all the errors are keept without any orther 
post processing. Computing all of 110x240 matching points of 
the window takes | hour and 45 minutes at Nova 3/12 computer 
by running Fortran program. 
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