Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 2)

Joachim Lindenberger 
Stuttgart University 
Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany 
The paper presents the theory of a particular type of 
stochastic time series, the autoregressive integrated 
moving average (ARIMA) processes and shows their 
application in modelling digital terrain profiles. 
1. Introduccion 
In this paper a class of stochastic processes, known as the 
autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) processes 
is presented and their application to modelling digital 
terrain profiles is discussed. ARIMA processes represent a 
general class of stochastic processes. It will be shown 
that other concepts for describing stochastic processes 
like those operating with spectral analysis or with  auto- 
covariance functions are related with them and can be 
derived from them. 
The paper outlines the theory of ARIMA processes in chapter 
2 and 3. It follows a discussion of the problems of process 
identification in chapters 4 and 5. Finally ARIMA processes 
will be applied for modelling digital terrain profiles 
(chapter 6). ' ; 
2. Definition of ARIMA Processes 
A set of observations made sequentially in time or 
equidistantly in space can be regarded as a time series. A 
discrete time series 
(x_) = {x(1), x(2), .., x(N)) 
denotes a set of observations generated by sampling a 
continuous signal x(t) at equidistant intervals. .^ A time 
series is said -to be deterministic if future values of the 
series can be exactly determined by some mathematical 
functions. The future values of a statistical time series - 
a so-called stochastic process - can be described only in 
terms of a probability distribution. Typical time series 
are neither completely deterministic nor completely random. 
The concept of modelling a time series by an autoregressive 
moving average  (ARMA) process contains both random and 
non-random elements. 
In addition to deterministic terms the stochastic proper- 
ties of an ARMA process are resulting from a random uncor- 
related innovation series (e,). It is thereby assumed that 
the innovation series  (e,) is a white Gaussian noise 
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